Ideas Architect Podcast

The Ideas Architect Podcast

The Ideas Architect Podcast explores how to design, build and sell your ideas. The show is a mix of interviews with authors, entrepreneurs, business leaders and thinkers discussing their journey and how they’ve built their success. Plus, it includes some of my own big ideas and presentations.

Podcast Episodes



Click on the image below to find out more about that episode and to download it…

Geoff McDonald – Deep Minimalism (Feb 2021)

Ian Berry – Heart Leadership (Jan 2021)


Geoff McDonald with Alan Silcock (Feb 2021)

Done: Why You Fail to Finish Your Projects and What to Do About It

Recordings and full chapters from my latest book…

Geoff’s Presentations


Book Rapper

We showcase the latest business insights from the best selling books of some of the best business brains on the planet.

What The #$%?! Is Going On?

Future business trends and Sensemaking

Product Creation


Content Marketing

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