Melanie Colling: Purpose Driven Projects

Melanie Colling: Connect and Grow Rich

Melanie Colling - Purpose Driven ProjectsMelanie Colling runs Purpose Driven Projects to help entrepreneurs grow their businesses through projects.

For me, that’s an instantly curious topic – lots of people are talking about purpose and we all have projects, but few are talking about ‘purpose-driven projects’.

Previously Mel had worked in the corporate world for over 20 years in various senior project management roles. She has also run and sold an online wedding business.

Melanie Colling has recently returned from a seven-month stint in Bali working with the Entrepreneurs Institute founded by Roger James Hamilton.

In working with entrepreneurs, she finds that the execution phase is where many people struggle. In particular, who can help me? From this insight, Mel is now working to help connect entrepreneurs with the people they need to grow their businesses.

Ideas Architect Podcast

Geoff McDonald and the Ideas Architect PodcastIn this episode (#104) of the Ideas Architect Podcast, Melanie Colling talks about:

  • What are the big differences between working in a corporate compared to working with entrepreneurs? That’s a crucial question if you’re pitching to either audience.
  • How Mel was able to overcome her resistance to ‘finding a niche’. And the key insight that leads her to focus on ‘building connections’.
  • Why do we need to connect our purpose to our projects
  • What Seth Godin says about the ‘Connection Economy’ – why technology brings us together
  • How to form partnerships and joint ventures
  • Why working with other people can grow your business faster
  • Why entrepreneurs will change the world and governments won’t.

It’s only through action that you find your passion #knowyourself

Podcast Show Notes

Melanie Colling – Purpose Driven Projects

Melanie Colling on Facebook

Email: Mel @

The Business Connection Podcast with Brett Jarman

The Wealth Dynamics Profiling Tool

Brett Jarman on the Ideas Architect – episode 99 – Expert Leverage with Teams, Systems and Content

Geoff’s book Done

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