Are goals wrong? This is better than goal setting

Have you ever been wrong about something that seemed so right? Like, Santa Claus – at least until you were 8 years old. Or that

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Read this! The Best Book to Find Your Life's Work

What’s the best book to read to find your Life’s Work? When I read this book, I started getting excited about my future. But it

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Can you have more than one Life's Work?

How many Life’s Work can you have? Normally, we think of our Life’s Work as our our job, career or work. But previously, I shared eight

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Live a Great Life! Eight Examples of Your Life's Work

What’s your Life’s Work? Most people assume it’s about your career. But it doesn’t have to be. Here are eight things people devote their lives

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David Goggins and the One Thing Stopping Your Success

What’s the number one thing stopping you from fulfilling your Life’s Work? It’s not what you think. It’s not a lack of time, a lack

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The Ultimate Guide to Planning Your Life's Work

Your life’s work won’t just happen automagically by itself. To fulfil your life’s work you need a plan. But what’s the best way to do this?

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Four Questions to Win the Game of Life

I’m a sports nut. I’ll watch almost any sport – especially Aussie Rules football. And from watching and playing a lot of sports, I know

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Four Declarations for when things don't go to plan

Forest Gump’s mum famously said, “Life is like a box of chocolates – you never know what you’re going to get.” For me, life is

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My Life was about to change

Every day starts afresh. We wake up and get out of bed and step into a brand-new day. A day that we haven’t had before.

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Ten of the Best YouTubers Personal Mission Statement Examples

Here are ten personal mission statement examples from famous youtubers. They each have millions of subscribers and billions of views. And at the end I’ll

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The Ultimate Way to Align Your Vision Mission Purpose

What’s the difference between vision mission and purpose? And most importantly, what’s the best way to align them to drive your success? Vision, mission and

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The Best 11 Purpose Quotes to Inspire Your Life

Do you want some inspiration for your life? Here are 15 of the best Purpose Quotes to get you moving. These purpose quotes have been

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Nine Purpose Synonyms exposed - spice up your life

Purpose synonyms are other words that have a similar meaning to purpose. And this is a great way to deepen our understanding of the meaning

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13 of the Best Social Purpose Statement Examples

Previously, I shared 11 corporate purpose statement examples. I thought they were generic – many companies could claim the same statements. Which raises the question:

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11 of the Best Purpose Statement Examples to Inspire You

Today I’m sharing 11 purpose statement examples from global companies. You’ll know the companies but you may not know their purpose statement. Your purpose is

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12 Personal Mission Statement Examples by Famous People

Your personal mission statement is a way for you to state your mission or assignment in your life. To inspire you to write your personal

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What is a manifesto? 21 Synonyms for Manifesto

What is a manifesto? To find out the obvious thing to do is look up a dictionary definition. But manifesto is an umbrella term. Which

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Ten of the Best YES Manifesto Examples

All of these manifesto examples are about one thing: change. But what sort of change do you want to make? There are two basic types

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Ten of the Best NO Manifesto Examples

Manifestos are about change and there are two types of change. You’re either saying ‘Yes’ or ‘No’ to something. Today I share ten Manifesto examples

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How to write a manifesto - the two most powerful ways

What are the two most powerful ways to write a manifesto? I’ve worked with a lot of people to help them write a manifesto. One

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How to be creative anytime anywhere - Creativity Explained

Learn how to be creative anytime and anywhere. Creativity Explained is not an easy thing, given creativity is an intangible thing (you can’t pick it

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Five Creativity Synonyms to be more creative at work

How can you be more creative at work today? One thing that stops people from being creative at work is the way they define creativity. They

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The Expert Manifesto - A Thought Leadership Manifesto Example

This is the Expert Manifesto – it’s a manifesto example for thought leaders. It answers the question: If you were setting up your ideal business

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The Super Skill to Skyrocket Your Business Innovation Results

I studied neuroscience to discover the super skill you need to skyrocket your business innovation results. It’s the reason Van Gogh was broke when he

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Manifesto Meaning - How to write a manifesto to create your future

How do you create your future? That’s a pretty important question for all of us – personally, in our careers and in business. And how

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The Best Way to Strangle Your Business Innovation - Avoid this!

I studied neuroscience and discovered the number one way to strangle your business innovation. If you don’t overcome this challenge you won’t become an innovator

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Start Here - the FIRST step in any business innovation

I studied neuroscience to discover the first step you must take in any business innovation project. Stick around to learn this vital principle plus SEVEN

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Business Innovation Fails for One of these Three Reasons

I studied neuroscience to discover the three big reasons why your business innovation fails. Learn the three things stopping you from being successful and nine

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The ONLY reason to write a manifesto

I analysed over 250 manifestos and realised there is only one reason to write a manifesto. Do you need to write a manifesto? You might

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11 Origin Story Examples - How to Tell Your Brand Story

Here are 11 Origin Story Examples to help you tell your brand story. Why you need an Origin Story Origin stories tell us how things

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How to write a book like Seth Godin

How to Write a Book Like Seth Godin How do you write a book like Seth Godin? Who? Seth Godin is one of the world’s

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How to Write a Manifesto - Nine Questions, Nine Manifesto Examples

How to write a manifesto How to write a manifesto, create a vision or define your brand? You answer these nine questions. The key is

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Manifesto Definition - What is a Manifesto?

To create a powerful manifesto you have to have a clear manifesto definition. If you want to be inspired every day in your work and

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How to write a personal manifesto in five steps

One way to be inspired in life every single day is to write a personal manifesto. Today, I’ll show you how in five simple steps,

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Be More Creative Today - Neuroscience

How can you be more creative today? ? Today, I’m giving you a simple neuroscience hack that you can apply to refresh yourself across your

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Double your Creativity un under 10 minutes

You want to double your creativity. Great. It’s a worthy goal for all of us. Let me show you how in the next ten minutes.

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Plan Your Life, Plan Your Year

What’s the best way to plan your life? And if that’s too big for you, how about we focus on this coming 12 months or

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The best format for Thought Leadership Content in 2023

What is the best format or medium for your thought leadership content in 2023? Is it video, audio, visuals or words? In this post, I’ll

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The Best Place to Publish Thought Leadership Content in 2023

Where is the best place to publish your thought leadership content in 2023? Is it Facebook, LinkedIn, YouTube, or none of those This is such

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What is Ideas Architecture? (For Thought Leadership)

What is ideas architecture? If you’ve come here to get ideas for building or creating architecture, you’ve come to the wrong place. This post is

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How to create a book trailer the easy way

You’ve spent weeks, months and maybe even a year writing your book and now you’re ready to publish it. What’s the best way to market

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Seven ways to write your book faster

You want to write a book, but you fear that it will take too long. Or you’ve already started and it’s taking longer than you

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Book Writing Tips to Write Your Book Easier

You’ve decided to write a book. Great. Now, do you want to write it the hard way or the easy way? Writing a book is not

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The Surprising Secret to Finish Writing Your Book

You’ve started writing your book and now you don’t think you can finish it. How do you keep going? This is the challenge that every

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Answer this before you start writing your book

If you were going to write a book, what do you need to do before you begin? The biggest mistake you can make when writing

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My Best Ten Tips for Writing a Book for the First Time

If you were sitting down in front of me and asked, ‘What are the best tips for writing a book for the first time, how

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My Ten Big Book Writing Mistakes - Author Mistakes

Do you want to write a book? Great idea. As someone who’s written and self-published ten books, I can heartily recommend the challenge of writing

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The Best Reason to Write a Book Right Now

Have you ever thought that one day you might want to write a book? Perhaps you even wrote it down on your bucket list –

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The Ultimate Product Sales Video Example

If you had an information product that you wanted to sell online, how would you do that? How would you sell an information product online?

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Four Phases of the Ultimate Product Sales Video

If you had an information product that you wanted to sell online, how would you do that? In the previous post, I shared the two

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Two Essentials of the Ultimate Product Sales Video

If you had an information product that you wanted to sell online, how would you do that? To sell anything online you need a sales

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Is Ko-fi better than Patreon to make money from content?

I want to make money from my content. Is Patreon or Ko-fi a viable way to do this? And which is better? Should I set

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Do this first - How to Make Money from Content

To make money from your content, what’s the first thing you must do? If you start in the wrong place, you’ll slow down your progress

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The Best and Worst Times to Make Money from Content

When is the best time to make money from your content? And when is the worst? In this post, I’ll share what marketing expert Seth

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Do this to Make Money from your Content Creation

How do you make money as a content creator? This is important because if you can’t make money from your content, then you can’t devote

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Make Money as a Content Creator

How do you make money as a content creator? This is the big question that all content creators face at some time in their careers.

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Three simple ways to define your thought leadership

How do you define your thought leadership? That’s a big question for content creators and aspiring thought leaders. I know a lot of people, including

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Do thought leaders need a mission statement?

Do thought leaders need a mission statement? In my previous post, I shared three examples of Mission Statements from leading Content Creators. In this post,

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Mission Statement Examples from the best Content Creators

In this post, I share three of the best content creation mission statement examples. Plus, I ask: Do content creators need a mission statement? And

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The dirty big difference between vision and mission

What’s the difference between a vision and a mission? Having a clear vision or mission statement can be a great way to provide focus, direction

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Personal Vision Statement - Be inspired in 4 simple steps

A personal vision statement – What is it? Why do you need one and how do you create your own? In this post, I’ll answer

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Thought Leadership: Five Ways to Create Cutting-Edge Content

The best thought leaders create cutting-edge content. But how do you do this? We presume the thought leaders with the groundbreaking ideas are simply smarter

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Content Strategy Secrets - From Beginner to Expert

How do you go from a content creation beginner to an expert? Most people take a long time to make this shift because they go

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Content Creation for Beginners - Five Big Mistakes to Avoid

Content Creation for beginners can be a difficult time. It seems that a lot of people will tell you what you need to do. Everyone

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The Best Project Planning Example for Content Creation

The best project planning example is for those of you who want to be successful as a content creator and thought leader. Two things Every

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The best project planning template for thought leadership content

What’s the best project planning template for thought leadership content? Surprisingly, it’s not a project planning template at all. But it is something that people

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Four steps to becoming a thought leader

How do you become a thought leader? In this post, I’ll share the four steps every elite performer in any field takes to get to

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Seven Ways to Have a Content Creation Breakthrough

To get better results from your content creation you need to create better content. Today this is more important than ever because more content creators

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The Clever Content Creation Way to an Expert Personal Brand

If you want to attract your ideal clients, you need to build an expert personal brand. But how do you do that? And specifically, how

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Content Creation Process - Three big mistakes people make

What are the keys to an effective Content Creation Process? How do you consistently produce good quality content? It takes a strong commitment to create

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The best Content Creation Planning ideas for Thought Leaders

The best content creation planning ideas for thought leaders helps you avoid wasting time by focusing on what to create, when to create and where

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The best thought leadership content strategy in 3 questions

What’s the best thought leadership content strategy? How do you turn your thought leadership IP into content marketing that attracts new clients AND keeps existing

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How to write a manifesto in 60 seconds

How to write a manifesto in 60 seconds A manifesto is a powerful tool for creating the future. This might be for your personal use,

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Three big reasons to write a thought leader mannifesto

The three big reasons to write a thought leader manifesto, answer the three big problems faced by business experts, consultants and professional service firms. How

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How Thought Leaders earn money from what they know

How Thought Leaders earn money from what they know One way to earn money from what you know is to package up what you know

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Killer Client Value Proposition in 3 Steps

To attract your ideal clients you’ll need a content creation value proposition. Content marketing is a modern miracle – you create content, you publish it

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Content Strategy 2022 - The best framework for Thought Leaders

Content Strategy 2022: The best framework for thought leaders How are you going to create your clear and concise Content Strategy 2022? The best framework

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The Ultimate Guide to creating Thought Leadership Content - The Content Creation Manifesto

We need more Thought Leadership Content While the world doesn’t need more content – we’re already drowning in it – we desperately need more thought

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Content Creation Canvas: Build Thought Leadership, Attract New Clients

Thought Leaders earn money from their ideas. This means the most important part of your business is to create and share your IP and content

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Why Deep Work is a Genuine Thought Leadership Example

Why Deep Work is a Genuine Thought Leadership Example How do you become a thought leader? How do you earn money from what you know and

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Which thought leadership skills are the best to grow and develop? You want to earn money from what you know so you can be rewarded

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The Best Types of Thought Leadership Content to Create

Usually when people discuss the best types of Thought Leadership Content to create they look for tactics. They want to know things like: The key

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Work Life Balance - Three Metaphors for a Great Life

We all want work-life balance. We all want less stress and more happiness. We all want to enjoy our lives, enjoy our work and be well. But

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Capital Content - A daring Content Creation Idea that doubles your results

The daring content creation idea that doubles your results The single biggest challenge for all solo business professionals is to balance the need to service

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Make Your Book Great - Six Step Book Writing Template

A six-step book writing template to help you make your book great. Writing a great book can provide a big boost to your reputation and

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The Five to 25 times better Content Marketing Strategy

For a lot of businesses and individual thoughts leaders publishing content is an important part of their marketing strategy. But what’s the best content marketing

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How to create a Content Calendar that earns you money

How to create a content calendar that earns you money The biggest challenge for all content creators is to know what to create and when

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Content Pillars

Content Pillars are an essential strategy to becoming a thought leader. To become a thought leader, you need to create thoughts, ideas, and insights. And

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A surprisingly simple guide to Content Creation

What is content creation and why is it important? Content creation is the opportunity of a lifetime. You might not realise this, but you are

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Create a Service Offering You'll Fall in Love with

What’s the right service offering for you and your business? The big challenge thought leaders, business experts and professional service firms have is choosing the

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How to Sell Your Service - 13 sneaky easy ways to sell more with less effort

How to Sell Your Service How to sell your service is the killer question for all thought leaders, business experts and service providers. In this

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Write a Manifesto Four Ways - The Four Types of Manifesto

What are the four types of manifestos? Knowing this will help you write a manifesto to create your future, and possibly the future of those

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18 Different ways to write a book

Why Write a Book? 18 different ways to write a book answers the question: How do you position yourself as a thought leader? [Updated and rewritten

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Famous Manifestos - The Top Ten of All Time

Famous Manifestos – The top ten of all time What are the most famous manifestos ever written? Now, that’s a great conversation to have at

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