World Class Leader

Ideas Architect PodcastGeoff McDonald discusses what it takes to be a world class leader based on nine of the best leadership books ever written. This is episode 032 of the Ideas Architect Podcast.

Our Topic: World Class Leader

How effective are you as a leader? There are two distinct parts to this question.

  • How well do you lead yourself?
  • How well do you lead and influence others?

And, in this podcast episode we discuss the big trends in leadership so you can learn ways to improve your effectiveness. Essentially we’re exploring the question: What is the future of leadership? What will it take to be a leader in 2020?

In this Podcast Episode

  • Download on iTunesWhat is the starting point for leadership? We consider when leadership happens and what you need to start today.
  • What has 10,000 hours of practice to do with building an organisation?
  • Why would anyone bother following you? We explore the number one reason that people will follow you.
  • Why leaders are like sea captains leading their vessel into uncharted waters.
  • The importance of the gender wars and why women’s failure to make it to leadership positions is a failure for men too.
  • StitcherWhat you need to turn your low-performing teams into high-performing teams.
  • Why the pendulum is swinging from centralised top-down leadership and organisations to decentralised leadership and organisations.
  • Why are leaders today so unpopular?
  • What impact is social media having on leadership?

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