Choose Your Best Online Channel

Online ChannelsToday we have a lot of choice. And, this applies to showcasing, sharing and growing your business through the large number of online social media channels. And, this morning I had a great conversation with Irma Zimmerman about:

  • What online channels are you using?
  • And, which ones are you best suited to?

Image from: Social Media Examiner – their podcast is one of my favorites – listen to it for the latest thinking on how to succeed on these individual channels.

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Your Online Channels

That conversation has prompted this podcast episode where I share some of my thoughts and experience across a wide range of online channels. We consider:

  • Websites – Is this your home base or not?
  • Blog – Why it is not simply about writing
  • Podcast – The intimacy advantage and room to multi-task
  • Twitter – The two things that Twitter is brilliant at
  • Facebook – The challenge of personal versus private and business
  • Instagram – Is this a standalone medium or simply a feeder for Facebook?
  • YouTube – The big reason why I’m about to launch a YouTube channel
  • LinkedIn – The three things you can do on LinkedIn and why I’ve just upgraded to a Premium account
  • Google+ – Is this the poor cousin of Facebook?
  • Slideshare – Why slides shows are no longing just slideshows
  • We also discuss the critical importance of consistency and whether this is an attitude you can change or not.

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Ideas Architect Podcast

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Related Blog Posts

Here are 3 related blog posts that highlight the three key questions to ask about deciding on your content channels:

  1. How to Showcase Your Expertise
  2. What are you good at?
  3. What is best for your clients?

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