Brian Coogan – Protect Your Website

Is your website safe?

Brian Coogan - WD3Recently, I had my Book Rapper website hacked. I was fortunate that they didn’t deface my site they merely made some small back door entries into my site files.

Whilst I was completely oblivious to this, I received a call from my trusty web hosting company to tell me about the problem and reduce the impact of a potential future disaster for you and your customers.

This experience has prompted this podcast episode with my website host to warn you of the potential dangers and what you can do to protect yourself in the future.

Today, we talk with Brian Coogan. He is the Managing Director of WD3, formerly known as White Dog Green Frog. WD3 are a specialist website hosting company based in Melbourne and they have a strong focus on website security. Brian also teaches online security classes to the Defence forces.

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The BIG ideas

In plain English, here are some of the things we talk about:

  • The new reality of website hacking – the potential for problems and what you can do about them
  • The importance of making website backups
  • The crucial value of your domain names and how to protect
  • Ensuring that you legally own your website design
  • The simple difference between web hosting and email hosting
  • The importance of knowing where your web servers are located
  • How to manage your email hosting easily and cheaply
  • The arms race of staying ahead of your email spam
  • The one word to never have in your email subject line
  • Why a slow web server can be costing you online sales
  • Getting started with your ecommerce site
  • How to create secure passwords and manage them with ease
  • How to email your passwords safely
  • What to look for when selecting a good web hosting provider

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