How to Attract Your Ideal Clients – Podcast

Ideas Architect PodcastWelcome to Episode 002 of the Ideas Architect Podcast.

Our Topic…

Today we’re talking about how to attract your ideal clients. It’s the audio recording of a recent webinar we did on this topic.

Essentially, it’s the story of how marketing and sales has changed dramatically due to content marketing and social media. Previously, advertising was one of the key ways to attract clients. Today, most of don’t listen or watch the ads anymore.

And, we’d rather get help with our buying decisions by finding out from experts online. Essentially, this is Content Marketing where the aim and experience of the sales process is very different.

Ideal ClientIn this Podcast Episode…

  • The best way to start using Content Marketing today
  • What to do even if you don’t have a website, a blog or a Facebook page.
  • Several different ways to create your content
  • How to choose which channels and platforms are best for you
  • And, how to build your business model and derive fresh income from your efforts.

Show Links…

Here’s the links to the things we mentioned in the show…

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