What the Buddha Might Have Said About Content Marketing

Buddha and Content Marketing

I usually like to finish the Ideas Marketing webinars with a quote and a thought… You know, something to inspire people…

In the webinar Captivate Your Clients With Killer Content, somehow I made a link between Content Marketing and the Buddha. It goes like this…

Buddha once said:

“Thousands of candles can be lit from a single candle, and the life of the candle will not be shortened. Happiness never decreases by being shared.”

When you think about that you might be able to imagine that one candle lights another and another, without ever decreasing the brightness of the first candle. You can fill a room of candles with just one.

And, that is pretty much the goal and intent of Content Marketing.

You can create a movement with just one good idea packaged in the right way and shared freely with others.

And, this is the key to sharing your content. Do it in a way that it adds some value to other people. And if you share to enough people, some of them will come back to you, to listen for more, to thank you and to buy your services or work with you in other ways. So, as the Buddha might have said, “Go out and increase happiness by sharing some of what you have to offer for people.”

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