Lessons from Podcasting

Ideas Architect PodcastWhat does it take to put a podcast show together? What are the emerging trends for podcasting? And, what tools and work flow do you need to make your show happen?

Our Topic

This is episode #50 of the Ideas Architect podcast. Yeehar! And, given it’s a milestone issue we thought it would be a good chance to share what we’ve learnt over the past year about publishing a podcast show.

If you’re a regular listener it will give you a peek behind the curtain as to how the show is put together.

If you’re looking to create your own podcast show it will give you a few clues and raise some questions for making your show happen.

In this Podcast Episode

In this podcast episode we talk about:

  • Measuring success – did I achieve my goals or not? We share our results for the first 50 episodes.
  • The biggest challenge and lesson from creating a podcast
  • What does it take to be a great interviewer?
  • Work flow and production tips for putting your podcast together
  • How long does it take to put an episode together?
  • The tools I use to create the Ideas Architect podcast
  • The structure I use for each show
  • The essential way to learn how to improve your show
  • Several different ways to create content for your podcast
  • We answer the perennial question: How long should your podcast episodes be?
  • Emerging Trends – the rise of the Q&A podcast as a way to engage your community
  • What’s next for the Ideas Architect podcast?

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