Bill Jennings: Valuable Conversations

Bill Jenning - Time and Space

Bill Jennings, Time and Space

Bill Jennings runs Time and Space – community events for secondary schools that help mums and dads and mentors have conversations with young people that they wouldn’t normally have. It’s all about hearing the perspective of the other generations.

Bill is a former secondary school teacher and a Certified Speaking Professional with the Professional Speakers Association (PSA). He has presented programs across Australia and the UK.

Ideas Architect Podcast

In this episode (#110) of the Ideas Architect Podcast, Bill Jennings talks about:

Your Fundamental Business Value

Have you ever caught yourself saying: “I always wanted to have a conversation like that but when was I ever going to find the time and space to do it…” This is the key idea that Bill Jennings has based his business upon – creating time and space. It’s the fundamental value that his business provides.

Bill is clear that he is creating an experience for people. His ambitious goal is to create the time and space for parents and their children to have a conversation they will remember and cherish. Powerful!

QUESTION: What’s the fundamental value that your business provides? Consider the emotional value it offers.

The Damage of Stressful Conversations

A lot of damage can be done to our relationships when we have stressful conversations. Bill Jennings finds that while we have a yearning for connecting with our children, too often our major conversations are had in moments of high stress.

Frame your conversations so everyone can speak freely and be heard

Core Technology

We have a natural preference for new technology rather than traditional ways of getting things done. While social media can be good, the core technology Bill Jennings uses is face-to-face conversation. It might not be sexy and it sure is powerful!

QUESTION: What is your core technology? What are the benefits of being face-to-face or virtual?

How to Have Repeat Clients

The majority of Bill’s clients at Time and Space are repeat customers. He has now delivered this flagship program over 500 times. And for one client, they have worked together for 11 consecutive years.

Bill talks about the importance of continuity, having a repeatable program and how that has allowed him to build systems and consistent improvement. This has allowed him the opportunity to build relationships with his client and understand exactly what and when they need it.

QUESTION: What can you build repeating value for your clients? How can you partner with your clients?

[bctt tweet=”Think partnerships with clients, not transactions via @Bill_Jennings #repeatbusiness” via=”no”]

How to Build Simple Business Systems

One of the big advantages of a repeatable service is the opportunity to build robust business systems. In part, this is to streamline production and it also fits Bill Jenning’s bigger goal to license and leverage his business.

A big part of this process is gathering feedback and evaluations from his customers. Over the past ten years, he has used the same three questions every time and now has over 30,000 replies. That’s a whole lot of information to make informed decisions.

[bctt tweet=”Collect feedback from all customer interactions to improve the #experience via @Bill_Jennings #simplesystems” via=”no”]

Bill Jennings Podcast Show Notes

The podcast show notes include people, products and tools mentioned during the show:

Essential Tools

  • Nitrocloud – sign digital documents
  • Xero – Accounting software
  • Camscanner – turn your phone or tablet into a scanner

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