Wes Towers: The New Rules of Website Marketing

Wes Towers, Omnific DesignWes Towers from Omnific Design talks about the new rules of website marketing for consultants. It’s how to use your website to generate leads. This is episode 029 of the Ideas Architect Podcast.

Our Topic: Wes Towers

Wes Towers has been running Omnific Design for over 10 years providing website marketing and graphic design. In this time he has worked with numerous entrepreneurs, marketers and small business owners. And, he intentionally chooses to focus on micro-business.

In this episode, Wes shares his checklist for success through the Seven C’s of Website Marketing for Consultants. And, we demonstrate how to use a checklist like this to generate new leads for your business.

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Ideas Architect PodcastIn this Podcast Episode

  • How websites have changed over the past 10 years
  • The rise of Mobile Computing and why you need a Responsive Design for your site
  • The difference between Website Design and Website Marketing and why it matters
  • How often you should be updating your website
  • The Pros and Cons of using WordPress
  • Three tips to avoid having your website hacked
  • The only safe and sure way to optimise your site for a good search engine ranking (SEO)
  • Why you should hire a writer before a SEO expert
  • The importance of a Call To Action throughout your website
  • Simple ways to boost your credibility through your website
  • How to lose business through social media
  • Why your website is your mothership
  • Why you should think about your business as if you are going to sell it
  • How to convert traffic into subscribers and subscribers into sales
  • Different types of lead magnets to generate leads
  • How to use Diagnostic tools to find out what your customers really want
  • How to multiply your results with less effort by re-purposing your content

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