Marty Wilson – More Funny, More Money

Marty Wilson - More Funny More MoneyMarty Wilson

Marty Wilson is Australia’s funniest motivational speaker. He followed the traditional career path from Pharmacist to Advertising Copywriter to Stand-Up Comic – well not so traditional – to become Australian Comic of the Year.

Today, Marty is a regular on the corporate speaking circuit making audiences laugh about the serious topics of resilience and change.

Marty Wilson is also a best-selling author with a series of innovative book projects.

Ideas Architect Podcast

Geoff McDonald and the Ideas Architect Podcast

In this episode (#107) of the Ideas Architect Podcast, we have a laugh with Marty Wilson about:

What makes a great speaker?

The best comedian is easy to spot – they made the audience laugh the most. But how do you tell who is a great conference speaker?

Marty shares his thoughts on the challenge of getting audience feedback and how the different motivations of the audience can make a huge difference.

Everyone has great content but can you hold your attention?

How to use Humour to be Resilient

How do we thrive when things get tough? Based on some personal circumstances Marty Wilson began to explore the role of humour to boost your resilience. Along the way he realized that our brains evolved to humour for a reason.

Note: We include Marty’s practice to our list of Master Habits to help you automate your success.

Do change well and the rest will be easy

Marty Wilson - What I wish I knew book seriesHow to Write a Book Series

How do you write a book series? Marty has written more than a dozen books in different formats and on different topics from Depression, Teenagers, Diabetes, Cancer and Motherhood (!!!). Along the way he has learnt a number of clever strategies for getting a book written – including co-authors, interviewing experts and partnering with others.

Find people who are already doing what I want and tap into their wisdom

How to Sell Your Books

If writing a book is the easy part, the big question is: How do you sell lots of them? Marty Wilson has succeeded in selling books by the boxful. His strategy was not to seek out individual sales. Instead, he looked for ways to sell bulk orders. This included a range of partnerships with gyms and not-for-profit organisations.

The secret to #HowtoSellbooks is to ask: Who can gift my book?

How to Profit from Humour

One of the great challenges for organisations is to hire great people. Marty shares his thoughts on what makes a great leader and a desirable place to work. He also pokes fun at the serious work of business.

[bctt tweet=”A good sense of humour cuts through serious work #lightenup @martywilsontwit” username=”ideasarchitect”]

PS: Marty’s final thought in our interview is a cracker – it might just make life a little lighter.

Marty Wilson Podcast Show Notes

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