Gihan Perera Interviews Geoff McDonald

Gihan PereraThe tables have been turned! Instead of me interviewing other people, this time Gihan Perera has asked the questions and I’ve provided the answers.

Our Topic

Gihan Perera is a long-time colleague who has written a number of books and helped thousands of experts and organisations understand how the internet has changed our world. He is an insightful presenter who always provides food for thought on how to thrive online. Gihan’s current focus is around iMatter – the power of the individual.

Previously, we interviewed Gihan here on how to build your online influence.

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In this Podcast Episode

Ideas Architect PodcastIn this podcast episode we cover a lot of territory. Here’s some of what we discuss…

  • What am I reading? Give and Take by Adam Grant
  • The Free Lunch – the launch of my career from Architect to Ideas Architect
  • Are you a Generalist or a Specialist? How to define your ideal career path.
  • How Content Marketing reverses marketing
  • Why I left architecture: Are you a ‘What’ person or a ‘How’ person?
  • How I got paid to read books: the birth of Book Rapper
  • The importance of experimenting to find your unique position
  • The fragmentation of content and why you need to present your ideas in different formats and timeframes
  • Why leaders need ideas and ideas need leaders
  • Social Media Leadership – The demise of leaders and the rise of followers
  • From Castles to Greenhouse – How Organisations have changed
  • Why Manifestos are the replacement for Vision and Mission Statements in business – the double edge of Apple’s We Are the Crazy One’s manifesto
  • Why Business Experts need a manifesto to position their ideas in the market and attract their ideal clients
  • Manifestos as the key to branding: The shift from products to meaning
  • How your Manifesto is the ideological glue that drives your organization forward

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