How to Create a New Income Stream Podcast

Welcome to Episode 005 of the Ideas Architect Podcast.

Ideas Architect PodcastOur Topic…

Are you already writing a blog? Do you have an ebook? Have you a following on Facebook or Twitter? Are you wondering how to take your Content Marketing to the next level?

Are you ready to convert your free content into a new income stream that not only attracts your ideal customer it also irons out the wrinkles in your cash flow?

We discuss how to create a new income stream in 28 days using Content Marketing by sharing what you already know.

In this Podcast Episode…

  • Assess where you’re currently at with Content Marketing.
  • Which of the five Content Marketing levels would you like to be operating at?
  • Find out which of the Three Layers of Content Income Streams is right for you.
  • Where you should draw the line between free content and content you charge from
  • Selling your content may seem like a good idea. However, there’s one really big reason why you shouldn’t.
  • The number one thing that may be stopping you from earning income from what you already know.

Income StreamShow Links…

Here’s the links to the things we mentioned in the show…

  • Share this to grab Book Rapper’s Make Money From Niches – our version of Chris Anderson’s book The Long Tail
  • [easyazon-link asin=”B00342VEP6″ locale=”us”]Chris Anderson’s book Free[/easyazon-link]
  • [easyazon-link asin=”0470876417″ locale=”us”]Osterwalder and Pigneur’s book Business Model Generation[/easyazon-link]

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