Build Your Network 2: Personal Glue-ing
PROFIT : Here’s the PLAN you need for glue-ing your personal connections. It’s a simple four step process to add meaning, balance and long-lasting value to your community. Derived from: Iggy Pintado; Connection Generation Personalize How can you make your connections more meaningful? Online may not be as intimate as face to face and it’s […]
Build Your Network 1: The Three Gluers
PROFIT : Now you know what type of Connector you currently are, the next question is: Who do you want to become? We start our expansive action plan with the 3R’s to enable you to connect and grow rich… Derived from: Iggy Pintado; Connection Generation REASON Why do you want to connect? For what purpose? […]
Connection Profile 5: Super Glue
Following from our Connection Profile Questionnaire, here’s 11 factors that provide a deeper explanation of our fifth profile type: Super Glue. Derived from: Iggy Pintado; Connection Generation PROFIT : Super Glue is a life designed around connecting. You can’t survive without your ‘Crackberry’, you’re highly disciplined and super-efficient. You have a large network, you know […]
Connection Profile 4: Active Glue
Following from our Connection Profile Questionnaire, here’s 11 factors that provide a deeper explanation of our fourth profile type: Active Glue. Derived from: Iggy Pintado; Connection Generation PROFIT : Active Glue is an initiator. You’re driven to connect, adopt new technology and identify new ways of being more effective. You’re consistent, practical and you need […]
Connection Profile 3: Selective Glue
Following from our Connection Profile Questionnaire, here’s 11 factors that provide a deeper explanation of our third profile type: Selective Glue. Derived from: Iggy Pintado; Connection Generation PROFIT : Selective Glue is a take it or leave it phenomenon. You select your connections carefully, you enjoy being efficient and effective and you spend just enough […]
Connection Profile 2: Passive Glue
Following from our Connection Profile Questionnaire, here’s 11 factors that provide a deeper explanation of our second profile type: Passive Glue. Derived from: Iggy Pintado; Connection Generation PROFIT : Passive Glue is like being a passenger in a bus – you’re just sitting back enjoying the ride whilst letting someone do the driving. Connecting is […]
Connection Profile 1: Basic Glue
Following from our Connection Profile Questionnaire, here’s 11 factors that provide a deeper explanation of our first profile type: Basic Glue. Derived from: Iggy Pintado; Connection Generation PROFIT : Basic Glue reflects a bygone era where having a yack over the back fence was enough connecting for one day. Your style reflects nature and you […]
How to Build Your Connection Profile Score
Learning Glue Derived from: Iggy Pintado; Connection Generation Your Connection Profile is based upon four distinct HITS: Hunt, Interact, Test/Trial and Share. They also provide clues for Connected Learning. Change the way you Hunt, Interact, Test/Trial and/or Share and you’ll change your Glue Score too. Hunt How do you search for the information you need? […]
Lesson 3 : What Do You Love To Do?
I used to scoff at people that suggested that if you only did what you loved then life would flow more easily, smoothly and effortlessly. I didn’t believe life worked like that. It didn’t make sense that it could. Now, I’m a believer. And that’s one of my big lessons from Book Rapper. When it […]
Your Connection Profile Score
RAP4 : What’s Your Glue Score? Derived from: Iggy Pintado; Connection Generation PROFIT : How did you score? What did you learn? What will you do differently? Your challenge for this issue is to improve your Glue Score in the next 30 days. Are you up for it? Ready, set, go… Step 1: Response Write […]