Lesson 3 : What Do You Love To Do?

do what you loveI used to scoff at people that suggested that if you only did what you loved then life would flow more easily, smoothly and effortlessly.
I didn’t believe life worked like that.
It didn’t make sense that it could.
Now, I’m a believer.
And that’s one of my big lessons from Book Rapper.

When it was suggested that I needed to chunk down to some low hanging fruit I started with two things in mind.

  1. It had to be something I was already doing.
  2. And, it had to be something I loved doing.

To some extent these two ideas are entwined.
If I was already doing it and not currently making money from it then it was likely it would be something I loved to do.

The obvious one for me was that I loved to read books.
And, I was already taking notes from them.

It was another comment that Matt Church offered that made the difference.
He said something like:

‘The best way to learn something is to teach it to someone else’.

And that is precisely what Book Rapper is for me.
I grab the books I want to read and I make notes from them.
In particular I make notes as if I was going to apply this information.
Thus Book Rapper is more than a literal summary.
It’s the action guide in summary form.

Reading a book is like a holiday for me.
It’s stimulating, inspiring and provokes opportunities.
And, now I can justify taking the afternoon off to read a book because it’s part of my business.

Lesson: What’s your guilty pleasure?  Do what you love and it will seem like you’re on holiday instead of working! Make a list of the things you love to do. Compare this with our previous lesson: things you’re already doing. And, enjoy doing the things you love!

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