1000 Blog Posts – Podcast

Celebrating 1000 Blog Posts

1000 blog posts – today!

It’s official. Today – this very blog post – I have now written and published 1000 blog posts on this website. Three cheers for me! Yes, That’s a bit self-indulgent and I’m proud of this result – that’s a lot of writing over a ten-year period.

Ideas Architect Podcast

Brett Jarman - Help Me Leverage and Experts on AirIn this podcast episode #113, Brett Jarman from Help Me Leverage and Experts on Air interviews me about my blogging journey.

Some of the questions he asks include:

  • How has the subject matter of your blogs changed?
  • How do you know when you’ve finished a blog post?
  • For aspiring bloggers: Where to start writing your blog posts
  • What to do about your doubts – should I publish this?
  • What’s your favourite post?
  • What’s the best feedback you’ve had on your posts?
  • What is your worst feedback?
  • What does the future of blogging hold for you?
  • What’s next for your blog?

Some of the other things we talk about include:

  • What is a manifesto and why you need one
  • The history of the web – from Yahoo Categories to Google’s algorithm
  • Fake news and Blogging
  • My primary purpose and mission

1000 Blog Posts Show Links

Geoff McDonald and the Ideas Architect PodcastBrett Jarman

Brett Jarman – Ideas Architect podcast interview

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  1. Examples of Decentralized Organisations
  2. Famous Manifestos
  3. Seven Examples of Rituals

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