Read this! The best book to find your Life’s Work

Read this! The Best Book to Find Your Life's Work

What’s the best book to read to find your Life’s Work? When I read this book, I started getting excited about my future. But it also set a trap for me. And it was the same old trap I always fall into. ? Failing My Life About eight weeks ago, I shared that I’d lost […]

Heart Leadership with Ian Berry

Ian Berry - Heart Leadership book

Heart Leadership In his latest book, Heart Leadership, business mentor and leadership expert Ian Berry talks about the progress from the mind of leadership to leading with the heart. It’s an interesting update on leadership styles and more timely than ever given our experiences with the pandemic, lockdown and often, leading from afar with more […]

Best Business Books 2019

Best Business Books 2019 + Book of the Year 2019

Best Business Books 2019 My Best Business Books 2019… Each year I read a lot of books – in the range of 40-55 books. And given I’m always reading and always talking about the best business books, it makes sense that people ask me what I’m reading and what I’d recommend. To help with this […]

Hero’s Journey: Create your Brand and Marketing Message

Donald Miller - Building a Story Brand Book Cover

Hero’s Journey and What You Do The Hero’s Journey is a great tool to use when you’re asked the inevitable business question: What do you do? How do you usually answer that? Do you respond with a generic category? “I’m a… Business Coach, Accountant or Trainer.” Do you respond with your job title and business […]

Best Books 2017 for Business and Life

Book of the Year 2017

Best Books 2017 Best Books 2017? Over the past decade – since I started Book Rapper – I’ve often been asked by friends and colleagues to recommend my best books to read. During this time, I’ve read over 450 books fuelled by an annual goal to read 50 books. This year (2017) I made it […]

Top 10 Business Books for 2018

Top Ten Business Books of the Year What are the top 10 business books for 2018? And what is your book of the year? Each year, I aim to read 50 books. In 2018, I fell a few short and read 40 books. Still a good result. From this list of books I’ve selected my […]

Leadership Development: Best Business Books to Read

Best business books for leadership development

Leadership Development What are the best business books to read for leadership development? For a long while I had dismissed leadership development as a topic overblown by it’s own self-importance. For me, so many of the best business books that I had read (over 450 in the past decade) talked about leadership as if they […]

Best Business Books to Increase Productivity

Best business books for productivity

The Best Business Books What are the best business books to increase productivity? I have a strong personal interest in this question. As I wrote in my book Done: How to finish your projects when traditional ways don’t work, I had a serious problem finishing things – at one point I had over 25 half-written […]

Scott Berkun – Confessions of a Public Speaker Book Review

I’m a Public Speaker… I’m a public speaker – not a beginner and not an old pro either – and this book saved the day for me. Recently, I was preparing for a presentation that I was giving and to put it mildly, I was struggling. In the midst of plotting new material for a […]

James Adonis: The Motivation Hoax – Book Review

The Motivation Hoax by James Adonis

James Adonis, The Motivation Hoax James Adonis, The Motivation Hoax – A smart person’s guide to inspirational nonsense, Schwartz Publishing, Carlton, 2018. Inspirational nonsense! Yep, that pretty much sums it up for me. Instagram and Facebook and to a lesser extent Linked In are full of mindless truisms masquerading as inspiration from some enlighted heroes […]