How to Make Money From Content Marketing

Make Money From Content Marketing

How to Make Money from Content Marketing in 28 Days by Sharing What You Already Know Creating and sharing your expertise through Content Marketing is the new way to attract your ideal customers. It’s low cost or no cost, positions you as the expert and it generates leads 24 hours a day. In this 60 […]

How to Create a New Income Stream

Income Stream

If you’re already writing an occasional blog, have an e-book or are active on Facebook you might be wondering how to take your Content Marketing to the next level. And, that next level may be to create a new income stream that not only attracts your ideal customer it also irons out the wrinkles in […]

How to Attract Your Ideal Clients – Webinar

How’s business? Do you have enough clients? And, are they your ideal clients? Previously, we might have advertised to sell our services and attract clients. Today, with the rise of the internet, how we buy things has changed. Mostly, we ignore advertisements. We know they’re biased. Instead, we seek out information from experts willing to share their […]

How to Attract Your Ideal Customers

How’s business? Do you have enough clients? And, are they your ideal clients? Previously, we might have advertised to sell our services and attract clients. Today, with the rise of the internet, how we buy things has changed. Mostly, we ignore advertisements. We know they’re biased. Instead, we seek out information from experts willing to share their […]

Four Reasons to Run a Webinar Series

I’m often asked how successful my webinars are… Usually the question is directed at finding out how many people attend my webinars. Whilst this is important it depends on your strategy as to whether this is the key measure of success. Here’s four ways to measure the success of your webinars… 1 The Invite Being […]

Strategic Innovation and Business Model Design

Book Rapper Public Webinar Can’t enough around innovation and business model design? Well, here’s one more thing… Last week we released the first issue in our new Book Rapper series: “The Business Model Game” It’s derived from Alexander Osterwalder and Yves Pigneur’s book Business Model Generation. And, this week we had our subscribers webinar discussing […]

Stop Doing That and Start Being Effective

Your Invitation to our next and possibly last Ideas Lunch… Be More Effective In today’s world there is an ever increasing rate of work. We have moments of stress, confusion, anxiety or possibly worse. How do we cope with these days? Is there a way to find the “calm in the storm”? Is there a […]

Three Ways to Attract More Clients

How do you attract your clients? Here’s three ways you could attract more clients… 1 Content Marketing Book Rapper issues have now been downloaded more than 48,000 times! And that’s only the ones directly downloaded from the Book Rapper website. Many more have been passed along by readers or downloaded from other sites. Plus, I […]

Seven Big Ideas You Can’t Ignore in 2012

What are the big ideas that are going to have the biggest impact on you and your business in 2012? Is it social media and Google+ or Pinterest? Is it the demise of the US and the rise of BRIC? Is Julia Gillard a big idea? What about Wikileaks? What impact will this have on […]

Ideas Lunch : Turn Your Idea Into Business

An inspirational story of turning an idea into a book, a business and a world trip. What started out as a throw-away line has become the life force that drives this amazing couple forward. Andrew and Sue O’Brien are the Couple On The Run and they’re our guest presenters for this month’s Ideas Lunch. Learn […]