Strategic Innovation and Business Model Design

Book Rapper Public Webinar

Can’t enough around innovation and business model design? Well, here’s one more thing…

Last week we released the first issue in our new Book Rapper series: “The Business Model Game”

It’s derived from Alexander Osterwalder and Yves Pigneur’s book Business Model Generation.

And, this week we had our subscribers webinar discussing that RAP.

Now, we have one more Business Model Event for you… And, this time it’s a public event. (You don’t need to be a subscriber to join in.)

I’m collaborating with Norman Chorn to bring you a special webinar on Strategic Innovation and Business Model Design.

Norman is the author of Strategic Alignment, has a PhD and works with major organisations to assist them with strategic planning, organisational design and creating new business models.

He has a lot experience and wisdom around business models and innovation. In this webinar we’ll be adding to the material covered in the book RAP.

In particular:

  • A fourth level and potentially more powerful level of innovation – beyond process, product and business models.
  • Which of the nine business model building blocks you must start with to get effective results.
  • And, which one needs to be step two.

Time and Date

Thursday May 3, 12:30pm to 1:30pm

Register Here


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