Web Line, Part 5: RAP2: Stand Out 1

Web Line, Part 5: RAP2: Stand Out 1 Derived From Chris Brogan and Julien Smith, Trust Agents Previously: RAP1: Trust Has Changed RAP2: Stand Out – Part 1 PROFIT : To be a Trust Agent you need to be noticed. Playing by the old rules is no longer enough. With new tools and new channels […]

Web Line, Part 4: RAP1: Trust Has Changed

Web Line, Part 4: RAP1: Trust Has Changed PreviouslyBook Rapper Review of Trust Agents Derived FromChris Brogan and Julien Smith, Trust Agents Book Website www.trustagent.com RAP1: Trust has changed PROFIT : Who we trust has changed. Previously we trusted TV, the news, PR, Advertising and even politicians. Now we don’t. We do trust our friends. […]

Web Line, Part 3: Book Rapper Review

Web Line: What You Need to Succeed Online, Part 3 Previously: Web Line, Contents, What’s New Book Rapper Review: Trust Agents Précis The internet has changed the way we do business. The info sources we used to trust, well, we no longer do. Trust, like attention is now at a premium. And, building it is […]

Web Line: What You Need to Succeed Online, Part 2

Web Line: What You Need to Succeed Online, Part 2Previously: Web Line Speed RAP and Intro The Web Line The Web Line gives you a benchmark of what the top web performers, like Chris Brogan and Julien Smith, are doing for their online success.What it takes to succeed in life is constantly changing – particularly […]

Design Thinking Super Links

Design Thinking Super Links After putting out a bucket load of thinking around Design Thinking, I’ve had several requests to put all the links in one place… like a super links page. So here goes… The Book and Author The Book: Roger Martin’s The Design of Business http://www.amazon.com/Design-Business-Thinking-Competitive-Advantage/dp/1422177807 The Author: Roger Martin’s Website: http://rogerlmartin.com/ The […]

The Web Line: What You Need to Succeed Online, Part 1

The Web Line: What You Need to Succeed Online, Part 1 The BookChris Brogan & Julien Smith, Trust Agents Speed RAPThe web and social media is re-humanizing business and our interactions with each other. Gone are the days of interrupting, talking at and selling to gain attention. Today we need to build trust, be helpful […]

Design Thinking Organizational Audit

Design Thinking Organizational Audit Are you ready for the future? To find out if your organization has the right balance of Design Thinking rate yourself with these nine questions. Colour in the circle of the response that best fits your view of your organization. This Design Thinking Audit was presented at the Ideas Lunch. It’s […]

IdeasCulture interviews Book Rapper

IdeasCulture interviews Book Rapper On Monday night I presented at National Speakers Victorian Chapter Meeting.During the break NSAA Vic President, creative thinker and ideas expert Yvonne Adele did a quick interview with me on her flipcam. Here it is… http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=LbCb6p8UnIg Check out Yvonne’s cleverly creative crowdsourcing on her site: www.IdeasCulture.comAnd, follow her on twitter, she’s […]

Twit Rapper: Design Advantage, The movie!

Twit Rapper: Design Advantage, The movie!Here it is… our Twit Rapper video/slideshow summary of Book Rapper‘s Design Advantage and all derived from Roger Martin’s The Design of Business. This is our first Twit Rapper video. Love to hear your thoughts on how we can improve it for future issues.

Twit Rapper: Design Advantage, Part 2

Twit Rapper: Design Advantage, Part 2 Twit Rapper: A Book Rapper Book Summary in 26 tweets… Numbered tweets, 1A= first book, tweet A. Read all 26! Here’s the second half and remaining 13 tweets from Book Rapper’s Design Advantage. 1N: Opportunity 1: Your business solves a problem. Change the way you solve this problem. 1O: […]