Web Line, Part 3: Book Rapper Review

Web Line: What You Need to Succeed Online, Part 3
Previously: Web Line, Contents, What’s New

Book Rapper Review: Trust Agents

The internet has changed the way we do business. The info sources we used to trust, well, we no longer do. Trust, like attention is now at a premium. And, building it is the key to your success online.


  • A neat 6 part model for becoming a Trust Agent
  • Clear and concise commentary on what’s happening by seasoned experts
  • Oodles of actions for you to take
  • New York Times best seller and one of Amazon Best Books of 2009.

Learn the new rules and the new actions you need to take to make it happen online.

Who’s It’s For
Any expert, thought leader and leader wanting to be successful in today’s world.

Chris Brogan (Co-Author)

  • One of the world’s most popular bloggers
  • 13 year veteran of social media
  • Conference speaker
  • President of New Marketing Labs
  • Co-founder of Podcamp
  • Founder of Dadomatic
  • For more check About on his website
  • http://www.chrisbrogan.com
  • Twitter: @chrisbrogan

Julien Smith (Co-Author)

  • Podcast Pioneer
  • 15 year veteran of online communities
  • Started out with Bulletin Boards
  • Then with Flash Mobs
  • Now the social web
  • http://inoveryourhead.net
  • Twitter: @julien

Book Rapper Thinks…
This book’s got more action than Die Hard 8! Plus some essential frames and perspectives for winning on the web. From rapping this book Book Rapper is changing it’s approach to the web. Consider changing yours!

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