Web Line: What You Need to Succeed Online, Part 2

Web Line: What You Need to Succeed Online, Part 2
Previously: Web Line Speed RAP and Intro

The Web Line
The Web Line gives you a benchmark of what the top web performers, like Chris Brogan and Julien Smith, are doing for their online success.
What it takes to succeed in life is constantly changing – particularly on the internet and with social media.
To reflect this it’s a floating line.
And, to achieve your mission in life you’ll need to stay above the Web Line.

The Plimsol Line
The Plimsol Line is also know as the waterline or the International Load Line.
It displays the legal load limit a ship can carry.

Contents to Follow

  • BR Review : Trust Agents
  • RAP1 : Trust Has Changed
  • RAP2 : Stand Out
  • RAP3 : Belong
  • RAP4 : Use Leverage
  • RAP5 : Build Relationships
  • RAP6 : Be Helpful
  • RAP7 : Assemble An Army
  • RAP8 : Trust Rules
  • Companion Pieces
  • BR Context : Plopportunity

What’s New!
Chris Brogan’s New Book: Social Media 101: Tactics and Tips to Develop Your Business Online

Released 22 Feb, 2010

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