5 Blog To Share and Include
Part 5 of 27 Social Media Lessons From Barack Obama’s Presidential Campaign Lead With Your Blog Your blog is your primary storytelling vehicle and distribution platform via RSS feeds, YouTube video embeds and interacting with readers’ comments. Obama had several blogs. The official national blog posted all the campaign updates. There were also state based […]
The Real Reason to be on Facebook
Book Rapper Context : Reverse Evolution Why Bother With Facebook? Is Facebook a time waster? Are my Twitter followers worth anything? Will my LinkedIn connections get me a job? In the narrow world of social media, these are good questions to ask. And, the answer to all these questions is: It depends. It depends on […]
How to Share Book Rapper with your Audience
How to Share Book Rapper Issues with your AudienceFollowing from my previous post and the launch of our CC license, plus a prompt from Matt Hern, here’s all of the Book Rapper issues thus far in one easy-to-share blog post. PS: Thanks to James Tuckerman of Anthill for putting me onto Issuu.com
How do you gather your information? Search Engines or Social Networks?
Mike Hickinbotham on LinkedIn asked an interesting question: “Will people prefer social networks over search engines to gather information” Here’s my response… Social networks are taking over from search engines for the less specific questions we have in life. Google is great at finding specific things. It’s like using the card catalogue or computer at […]
Are Books and Websites Merging?
Google have made a bucket-load of money from targeted ads. And, a really, really, really big bucket at that. By matching your search requests with related advertising they’ve made billions – one click at a time. Now, Amazon wants to walk down a similar path. Fast Company has reported that Amazon has filed a number […]
We Blog – How will you manage your blog and your life?
Here’s our seventh slideshow RAP of We Blog: How to Create Your Own Media Channel. It’s derived from Michael A Bank’s Blogging Heroes. This RAP looks at “Blog Life”: How will you manage your blog and your life? Here’s an octopus’ dozen of clues to manage your blog and your life. Full Time Blogging Blog […]
My Blogging Heroes
The “We Blog” Issue of Book Rapper was derived from Michael A Banks’ book Blogging Heroes. In his book Banks interviewed 30 of the most influential bloggers on the web. The Book Rapper version compiled these into a series of RAPs, many of which we’ve offered as slideshows and featured in this blog. See them […]
We Blog – What are you going to blog about?
Here’s our sixth slideshow RAP of We Blog: How to Create Your Own Media Channel. It’s derived from Michael A Bank’s Blogging Heroes. This RAP looks at “Blog About”: What should you blog about? The answer: Whatever. There’s a global readership out there and a virtual market for every topic. Just get started! Here’s a […]
To follow or unfollow on Twitter?
Guess who’s following me on Twitter… she’s young, early 20’s, world famous, pop star… I guess you recognized her photo… Yep, it’s Britney Spears! Just when I thought I was out of it and over the hill, along comes my dream girl! I just don’t know how she could have found me on the web.May […]
Create Breakthrough Results with a winning blog mindset
A Winning Blog Mindset To create breakthrough results with your blog writing, you need to adopt the seven principles of a winning blog mindset. Your mindset are the beliefs, thoughts and attitudes you bring to any situation. In blogging, it’s your beliefs, thoughts and attitudes about what actions you take and what drives your success. […]