We Blog – What are you going to blog about?

Here’s our sixth slideshow RAP of We Blog: How to Create Your Own Media Channel.
It’s derived from Michael A Bank’s Blogging Heroes.

This RAP looks at “Blog About”: What should you blog about?

The answer: Whatever.

There’s a global readership out there and a virtual market for every topic.

Just get started!

Here’s a dozen clues to narrow your focus and heighten your arousal, well, your readers’ arousal levels.

  1. Help People
  2. Rock Your Socks Off
  3. The Long and the Short
  4. Regular Features
  5. Special Features
  6. Media Swap
  7. Problem Solving
  8. Updates and Revisits
  9. Interview Me
  10. Scour the Web
  11. The Weird and the Wacky
  12. Trendspotting

Have a click through, it’ll only take 4 minutes and let us know what you think.


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