Seven Principles for Building Referrals
Derived from : John Jantsch, The Referral Engine Buy The Referral Engine on Amazon (Affiliate Link) What makes you blow someone elses trumpet? What makes you refer someone or not? Where do you get most of your business from? If it’s referrals, do you have a method for making this happen or is it ad-hoc? […]
Book Rapper Review: The Referral Engine
The Book John Jantsch, The Referral Engine: Teaching Your Business to Market Itself; Portfolio, Penguin Books; New York, 2010. Précis A hands-on guide to have your customers generate new business leads on your behalf. Features • Examples galore : pluck the ones that work best for your situation. • Practical : apply this in the […]
Home Tweet Home: The Future of Twitter
This article is the Context piece from the Book Rapper issue: Twittergy. It provides a context for the book summary of Joel Comm’s book Twitter Power. Too Obvious! It doesn’t make sense! Who would have predicted that Twitter could take off in the way that it has? It’s too simple to make sense. Asking people […]
Book Rapper Summary: Your Referral Trumpet
The Book John Jantsch, The Referral Engine The Big Idea Too often referrals are a BTW – “By the way, got any referrals for me?” Yuck!!! Instead of tackily tacking it on the end of your service, start with the referral in mind. Build the expectation in your customer’s mind in advance. And, the business […]
How to Save The World
This article is the Context piece from the Book Rapper issue: Frog Power. It provides a context for the book summary of Steve Zaffron and Dave Logan’s book The Three Laws of Performance. World Peace In the good old days, it was politically correct to sit back and smile as the beautiful blondes in the […]
How to Take Giant Leaps in Your Performance
The Book Steve Zaffron & Dave Logan, The Three Laws of Performance: Rewriting the Future of Your Organization and Your Life. Speed RAP The key to a breakthrough in your performance lies in seeing how your current situation is occurring to you. Change the context you are operating from and this will allow you to […]
How to Engage Your Customers in Your Marketing Conversations
The Book Joseph Jaffe, Join the Conversation: How to Engage Marketing-Weary Customers with the Power of Community, Dialogue and Partnership Speed RAP Marketing communications has evolved. One way messages like advertising and PR are morphing into two-way conversations. It’s time to stop talking at your customers’ and start talking with them. Conversational Marketing is here. […]
The Future of Your Brain
This article is the Context piece from the Book Rapper issue: Eye Create. It provides a context for the book summary of Gregory Berns’ book Iconoclast. Exploring & Exploiting The golden age of discovery was in the 15th century as explorers boarded their ships to discover the rest of the world. Once discovered, the next […]
The Neuroscience of Innovation
The Book Gregory Berns; Iconoclast: A neuroscientist reveals how to think differently Speed RAP What makes true innovators so creative, so successful – and so rare? What makes them tick? And how can we learn to be a little more like them? In Iconoclast, Berns answers these timeless questions with surprising insights into the human […]
The Great Business Gestalt
How Web2.0 Has Merged Your Business, Your Customers And Your Competitors. The Book Amy Shuen; Web 2.0: A Strategy Guide Speed RAP The dividing line between where your business stops and starts just evaporated. You, your customers and your competitors have merged into one interconnected force. The Big Idea The five principles of Web 2.0 […]