How to Take Giant Leaps in Your Performance

How to Take Giant Leaps in Your Performance The Book

Steve Zaffron & Dave Logan, The Three Laws of Performance: Rewriting the Future of Your Organization and Your Life.

Speed RAP

The key to a breakthrough in your performance lies in seeing how your current situation is occurring to you. Change the context you are operating from and this will allow you to transform your performance. Even better, complete your past and invent a stunning new future to leap into.

The BIG Idea

Conversational Technologies are the most powerful technology ever invented. They are the platform for everything that has ever been and ever will be created. That’s a big call! And, they’re now available to you to create your inspiring and compelling future. Now, it’s your turn to make a big call!

Your Challenge

We now have the technology to create almost anything. You already use it everyday and now it’s time to frog power your way to a new future. Stop wishing and hoping. Complete your Default Future and invent something that has you so excited you’ll take a dramatic leap forward.


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