Marketing Trend – Consumers Louder
This is marketing trend #13 in a series of 14 marketing trends adapted from Seth Godin’s book Meatball Sundae. Previously in this series: Consumer to Consumers. Complaints hidden – not any more! In the Old Marketing, consumer complaints were easily hidden or ignored! After all, how much noise can one lone voice make? Even the plebian […]
Marketing Trend – Consumers Talk 2
This is marketing trend #12 in a series of 14 marketing trends adapted from Seth Godin’s book Meatball Sundae. Previously in this series: Consumer to Producer Consumers Talk to Each Other In the Old Marketing, consumers were scattered all over the place with little or no connection to each other. They may have bumped into […]
Marketing Trend: Consumers Talk
This is marketing trend #11 in a series of 14 marketing trends adapted from Seth Godin’s book Meatball Sundae. Previously in this series: Blink Attention Consumers Talking to Producers Previously, organizations were able to distant themselves from their customers: Appalling phone service (tell me about it!), employing middle men to sell to us, ignoring email […]
Clayton Christensen: Measure Your Life
The Book Clayton Christensen, James Allworth and Karen Dillon, How Will You Measure Your Life Book Reviews It’s kinda strange to be writing a Book Review about Book Reviews. And, in this case, it’s relevant. This book was originally published in 2012. And, back then I was excited that Harvard Professor Clayton Christensen, creator of […]
Marketing Trend: Blink Attention
This is marketing trend #10 in a series of 14 marketing trends adapted from Seth Godin’s book Meatball Sundae. Previously in this series: Authentic Stories Blink Attention One of the powerful elements of Old Marketing was the relatively few competing messages. You could buy up a few slots on your favourite TV channel and lots […]
Marketing Trend – Authentic Stories
This is marketing trend #9 in a series of 14 marketing trends adapted from Seth Godin’s book Meatball Sundae. Previously in this series: Infinite Channels. Authentic Stories In the marketing days of old, businesses were easily able to tell us what they wanted us to hear using relatively few publication and broadcast sources. Generally, we […]
Mark Molony – Mighty Mindfulness
In Episode 71 of the Ideas Architect Podcast we talk with Mark Molony about mindfulness and it’s usefulness to help you lead the way in life and at work. Mark Molony Mark Molony has worked with thousands of people from many different walks of life to help them learn and deal with life and work. […]
Leadership Trend: Accumulate Meaning
This is the sixth of six in a series of self-leadership trends adapted from Daniel Pink’s book A Whole New Mind. Previously in this series were: Function and Design Argument and Story Focus and Symphony Logic and Empathy Seriousness and Play Over the years most of us have accumulated a lot of things. Some of […]
Marketing Trend: Infinite Channels
This is marketing trend #8 in a series of 14 marketing trends adapted from Seth Godin’s book Meatball Sundae. Previously in this series: Hits to Niches. Infinite Channels In the Old Marketing it was relatively easy to get noticed. You simply bought up lots of mass media advertising – eyeballs – and people noticed. Hopefully, […]
Leadership Trend: Serious and Playful
This is the fifth of six in a series of self-leadership trends adapted from Daniel Pink’s book A Whole New Mind. Previously in this series were: Function and Design Argument and Story Focus and Symphony Logic and Empathy Sometimes we need to be serious. And, if you want to be happy, healthy and more successful […]