Marketing Trend: Infinite Channels

Marketing Trend #8 - Infinite Channels

This is marketing trend #8 in a series of 14 marketing trends adapted from Seth Godin’s book Meatball Sundae. Previously in this series: Hits to Niches.

Infinite Channels

In the Old Marketing it was relatively easy to get noticed. You simply bought up lots of mass media advertising – eyeballs – and people noticed. Hopefully, some who noticed were potential customers and even better, some of them bought your product or service. The clutter constantly interrupted people; that’s how it was.

In the New Marketing, we don’t want to be interrupted anymore, particularly by something we don’t care about. Getting noticed by a lot of people is not so easy. Fewer people engage in mass media and even if they do, they’re ignoring or screening out your message.

The good news is you don’t really need a lot of people to notice you; you simply want the right audience to pay attention to your product and the new marketing channels are way more effective at just that.

Be really selective and specific about your message and how you illuminate it. Sure, less people will notice; however more will act.

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This is from the Book Rapper issue Marketing How-Now that is derived from Seth Godin’s brilliant book Meatball Sundae.


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