Web Line, Part 4: RAP1: Trust Has Changed

Web Line, Part 4: RAP1: Trust Has Changed PreviouslyBook Rapper Review of Trust Agents Derived FromChris Brogan and Julien Smith, Trust Agents Book Website www.trustagent.com RAP1: Trust has changed PROFIT : Who we trust has changed. Previously we trusted TV, the news, PR, Advertising and even politicians. Now we don’t. We do trust our friends. […]

Web Line, Part 3: Book Rapper Review

Web Line: What You Need to Succeed Online, Part 3 Previously: Web Line, Contents, What’s New Book Rapper Review: Trust Agents Précis The internet has changed the way we do business. The info sources we used to trust, well, we no longer do. Trust, like attention is now at a premium. And, building it is […]

Web Line: What You Need to Succeed Online, Part 2

Web Line: What You Need to Succeed Online, Part 2Previously: Web Line Speed RAP and Intro The Web Line The Web Line gives you a benchmark of what the top web performers, like Chris Brogan and Julien Smith, are doing for their online success.What it takes to succeed in life is constantly changing – particularly […]

The Web Line: What You Need to Succeed Online, Part 1

The Web Line: What You Need to Succeed Online, Part 1 The BookChris Brogan & Julien Smith, Trust Agents Speed RAPThe web and social media is re-humanizing business and our interactions with each other. Gone are the days of interrupting, talking at and selling to gain attention. Today we need to build trust, be helpful […]

Review: Gary Vaynerchuk ‘Crush It!’

Review: Gary Vaynerchuk: Crush It! Why Now is the time to Cash in on your Passion Who said you had to be a great writer to create a great book? In another example of ‘the world has changed’ Gary ‘I can’t write’ Vaynerchuk has just produced a worthy best seller with his first book. Of […]

Global Glue: Connect and Grow Rich

Here’s our latest Book Rapper issue: Global Glue: Connect and Grow Rich. The Book Iggy Pintado; Connection Generation: How connection determines our place in society and business. Speed RAP Forget which generation you were born into! Digital Media has connected us all into a new one. We’re the Connection Generation. Connection Technology has made it […]

How do you gather your information? Search Engines or Social Networks?

Mike Hickinbotham on LinkedIn asked an interesting question: “Will people prefer social networks over search engines to gather information” Here’s my response… Social networks are taking over from search engines for the less specific questions we have in life. Google is great at finding specific things. It’s like using the card catalogue or computer at […]

One is good, many is better…

The Bees Wees: One is good, many is better… The Book: Barry Libert and Jon Spector and thousands of Contributors; We Are Smarter Than Me: How to Unleash the Power of Crowds in Your Business To learn about the power of community-at-work look to the natural world. An individual bee, with its modest brain, is […]

Why your personal brand is everything

In an age of change, the one thing that remains solid is your reputation. Well, if your reputation is solid… If it’s not you’re in deep trouble… Gary Vaynerchuk is one of the Social Media A-listers.He’s a star. An offbeat, in your face and absolutely authentic star.He’s his own man and that’s what I love.His […]

Fixing my Social Media Mistakes

Following up my previous post… My blog posted okay to (1) Blogger, (2) Linked In (3) Thought Leaders Central, but not to Facebook. 3 out of 4 was a good start.If anyone can tell me how to post it to Facebook I’d appreciate it. To manage my other social media conversations I scored a copy […]