Global Glue: Connect and Grow Rich

Here’s our latest Book Rapper issue: Global Glue: Connect and Grow Rich.

The Book
Iggy Pintado; Connection Generation: How connection determines our place in society and business.

Speed RAP
Forget which generation you were born into! Digital Media has connected us all into a new one. We’re the Connection Generation. Connection Technology has made it easier to stay in touch anytime, anywhere, anywho.

The Big Idea
Social Media is a vague description of what Digital Media has delivered. Connection Technology gets to the heart of the matter – it’s about who we are and how we live together. It’s the glue that binds us globally and it’s changing who, how, how often, why and when we interact. Subtly super significant!

Your Challenge
How rich do you want to be? Connect and grow rich is the promise of this issue… provided you go inline, create some HITS, enhance your Glue Score with the 3Rs, create a PLAN, build your GROUP and SCAN for business… Can you raise your profile in 30 days?

View it here


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