Content Marketing Strategy: Six Ways to Make Money

Content Marketing Strategy – Six Business Models to make money from your content.
Episode 018 of the Ideas Architect Podcast.

Geoff McDonald - The Ideas Architect PodcastOur Topic: Content Marketing Strategy

Creating and sharing your expertise through Content Marketing is the new way to attract your ideal customers. It’s low cost or no cost, positions you as the expert and it generates leads 24 hours a day. Plus, it’s a specific method for you to make money by sharing what you already know.

In this podcast episode we discuss your Content Marketing Strategy. In particular, we explore six business models to turn your content into cash. These are business models that work – they are already being used by various people in successful businesses. And, we highlight lots of examples and case studies.

In this Podcast Episode…

Make Money with your Content Marketing Strategy

How to…

  • Create content to boost sales for your existing products and services
  • Content Marketing Strategy and your business model
  • Win customers based on the service you provide
  • Turn marketing from an expense to an income generator
  • The key to repeat business
  • Why community is the number one goal of business today
  • The ultimate content creation and sharing business model

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