3 Manifestos Create the Future

Here’s the third in a nine part series looking at the Manifesto Manifesto principles with a view to creating your own manifesto. Manifestos are bold intentions. They don’t describe things, they declare them into existence. Take a stand, sharpen your purpose and incite the future. Four questions to ask yourself when you sit down to […]

2 Manifestos Terminate the Past

Here’s the second in a nine part series looking at the Manifesto Manifesto principles with a view to creating your own manifesto. Manifestos draw a line in the sand. They say ‘this ends here. Now!’ And a new context, a new era and a new beginning starts. Do this effectively and your results will accelerate […]

1 Manifestos Are Primal

Manifestos are primal

  Here’s the first in a nine-part series looking at the Manifesto Manifesto principles with a view to creating your own manifesto. In his best-selling book, Permission Marketing, Seth Godin describes it brilliantly: Everything starts with a manifesto. In other words, manifestos are primal. The words primal and primary mean ‘first’ or ‘most important’. This […]

Three Great Sources of Manifestos

Whilst searching through Google will help you find manifestos one at a time, here’s three websites that are filled to the brim with many manifestos… 1 Change This With a mission to support and spread great ideas, this site was inspired by Seth Godin and created in the summer of 2004. The site is now […]

How to Write a Manifesto in Two Steps

Manifesto Project - How to Write a Manifesto

How to Write a Manifesto Hopefully, if you’ve been following this blog some of my enthusiasm for manifestos is beginning to rub off. And, ideally, you’re ready to write your own manifesto. If need some more convincing, here’s 17 reasons why you need a manifesto. This bring us to the rather obvious question: How do […]

Manifesto Score Case Study: JFK’s Moon Landing Speech

Our third Case Study using the Manifesto Score… Manifesto: Man on the Moon Speech – Original speech to a join session of Congress, May 25, 1961. Created by: US President John F Kennedy Source: https://geoffmcdonald.com/jfk-land-man-on-moon-speech-2/ Manifesto Score YES Manifestos are primal: JFK’s speech was a manifesto declaring a new future. YES Manifestos terminate the past: […]

Manifesto Score Case Study: Manifesto Manifesto

Time to take a dose of my own medicine… Our second Case Study using the Manifesto Score… Manifesto: Manifesto Manifesto Created by: Geoff McDonald Source: https://geoffmcdonald.com/the-manifesto-manifesto/ Manifesto Score YES Manifestos are primal: Yes, we clearly have a manifesto! NO Manifestos terminate the past: No end to anything here… NO Manifestos create new worlds: No real […]

Manifesto Score Case Study: Ban Comic Sans

Our first Case Study using the Manifesto Score… Manifesto: Ban Comic Sans Created by: Holly and David Combs Source: http://bancomicsans.com Score: 5 out of 9   Manifesto Analysis YES Manifestos are primal: Yes, they clearly have a manifesto. YES Manifestos terminate the past: Yes, end the use of Comic Sans NO Manifestos create new worlds: […]

What’s Your Manifesto Score?

How would you know if you’ve got a great manifesto? The best way is to check the real world and see if it made any difference. This is useful after you’ve created and shared your manifesto. It’s not so useful during the creation phase. Based on the Manifesto Manifesto and the principles of manifestos we […]

The Three Layers of Manifestos

Previously, we’ve defined nine principles of manifestos in the Manifesto Manifesto. And, now we want to add another layer to this framework. Well, three layers to be precise. You see, the nine principles are not random. They’re connected, entwined and related to each other. The three layers are: Declaration, Belonging and Results. And to get […]