Speakers Business Models

What is a Speakers Business Model? A speakers business model is a way of operating a business for a professional speaker. Every business has a business model. It’s how you run your business. Popular examples include a retail store or an online store. They’re both stores but they run their business differently – they operate […]
Business Models for Speakers

Earlier this week I presented to National Speakers in Melbourne on the topic of Business Models for Speakers. I offered four key messages: What is a Business Model? – We discussed a simple definition of a business model that focuses on what and how you provide value to your customers. Romancing the Stage – Particularly […]
The Business Model Manifesto Podcast
Why do we need a Business Model Manifesto? The Business Model Manifesto reflects one of the most important things in business right now. The right business model can let you make money more quickly and more easily. The wrong business model can slow your progress and make you work harder than you need to. What […]
The Business Model Manifesto
What is the Business Model Manifesto? Business models… what are they and why are they important? This is the fundamental question I’ve been asking myself as I prepare my presentation to National Speakers next week. The title is ‘Business Models for Speakers’. And, thus I’ve created ‘The Business Model Manifesto. It offers ten principles for […]
Make Money From Speaking

The professional speaking business used to be very simple: You stood up in front of a live audience and you were paid to present. If we were talking about business models for speakers 20 years ago this would be it. Done. Complete. Finished. Today, it’s not so simple. With the rise of digital media, the […]
The Rise of Business Models
Do you have a business model? And, how would you know if it was the right one? I’ve been talking with people about business models lately because I’m preparing a presentation for National Speakers on the topic of ‘Business Models for Speakers.’ From this, I’m noticing the same question popping up: Are business models new? […]
Location Sensitive
Location Sensitive I met recently with a startup entrepreneur who was building her business in the women’s hosiery or tights market. It was an interesting conversation because, as you might expect, I have very little experience in this area. One of the intriguing things for me was the nuance of the market. At the first […]
Business Measures to help you stay on the right track
Business measures are crucial for helping you work out if you are on track, off track or you’ve completely lost track. In this article, we share seven things you might like to measure to ensure you’re focused and on the right track. (Plus you can listen to a podcast episode of this post if your […]
Value Creation
If you drive to Ballarat and visit the Mouth Helen Campus at Federation University, you might be surprised to see a road named ‘Masumbdar Drive’. It has recently been named after one of their most successful graduate students, Kiran Masumbdar-Shaw. Forbes lists her as having a net worth of $1.2 billion making her the 4th […]
18 Ways to Grow Your Business
How to Win at Tennis My brother is a keen tennis player. He has been since he was around ten years old. To win at tennis you need to practice the range of the strokes you are likely to play during a match. For instance, your serve, forehand, backhand, volley, half-volley, overhead smash and if […]