The 3 Ingredients of a Digital Organization
Derived from Jeff Jarvis; What Would Google Do? PROFIT : The way things are organized has changed. Our societies and institutions used to be held together by physical things like roads and bridges. Now, electronic connections are key. Here’s three ways to architecture your organization… Will You Link With Me? Hyperlinks make the internet work. […]
Five Essential Elements of Your Business Design
Derived from Jeff Jarvis; What Would Google Do? PROFIT : When the economics of anything changes, the most profitable way forward changes too. How you design your business to take advantage of the new economic landscape is crucial. Here’s five factors for you to consider… 1 Stuff It! Stuff is stale. It’s inconvenient, expensive and […]
Five Elements of the New Economic Landscape
Derived From Jeff Jarvis; What Would Google Do? PROFIT : Like a big storm that has washed away the topsoil, the internet has redesigned the economic landscape. What was previously profitable may no longer be. Reconsider your situation. Here’s five new economic contexts to work within… 1 Think SMALL Previously, you had to be big […]
The Google Map
Derived from Jeff Jarvis; What Would Google Do? PROFIT : Jeff Jarvis offers a wide range of ideas in his book. To organize them in a simple way for you to act on them we’ve created the BR Google Map – a five layered model for Googlizing your organization. Economy Every business operates within a […]
Book Rapper Review : What Would Google Do?
The Book Jeff Jarvis; What Would Google Do?; Collins Business, HarperCollins; New York; 2009. Précis This book has two distinct parts… Firstly, ‘What is Google doing?’ Google is one of the most profitable companies on the planet. It’s a great case study for defining how business could and should be thinking and acting in our […]
How to Survive, Thrive and Jive in the Digital Economy
The Book Jeff Jarvis, What Would Google Do? Speed RAP A number of traditional industries are struggling to survive the digital economy – newspapers, real estate agents, advertisers, PR, department stores… Google is one of the most profitable businesses on the planet. They’re not only thriving, they’re jiving! Jeff Jarvis uses Google and friends as […]
How to Make Wise Decisions – Superlinks
Derived from James Surowiecki, The Wisdom of Crowds 1 Wise: How to Make Collaborative Decisions 2 Book Review : The Wisdom of Crowds 3 Collective Wisdom and Group Decisions 4 Four Qualities of Wise Crowds 5 The Surprising Key to Business Success 6 Four Levels of Collective Decision Making […]
15 Ways to Collect Crowd Wisdom
Derived From James Surowiecki, Wisdom of Crowds Actions : Here’s fifteen ways you can collect and profit from the wisdom of crowds. 1 Diverse Groups Set up diverse groups and teams filled with a diversity of thinking and learning styles 2 Feedback Ask for feedback from those around you. Be cautious about relying on friends […]
Four Ways to Fuel Innovation
Innovation is an essential part of any growing organisation. Here are four ways to fuel innovation in your team as derived from James Surowiecki, Wisdom of Crowds – we rapped this book as part of the Book Rapper book summary series. 1: Redefine Success To spark an innovation revolution in your industry redefine what […]
Double Sided Innovation Example 3: Football Coaches
Derived From James Surowiecki, Wisdom of Crowds Football Coaches Football games are a great public vehicle for observing innovation in action and the influence of crowds. Three key factors come into play: The decision-making is made in the public arena in front of a crowd. Everyone in the crowd seems to have an opinion. The […]