Cal Newport Career Advice

Cal Newport: Career Advice to Find Work You Love Cal Newport has written another great book. His latest effort, So Good They Can’t Ignore You asks the important question: Why do some people end up loving what they do, while so many others don’t? And his reply is not to follow your passion. Who is Cal […]

Marty Wilson – More Funny, More Money

Marty Wilson Marty Wilson is Australia’s funniest motivational speaker. He followed the traditional career path from Pharmacist to Advertising Copywriter to Stand-Up Comic – well not so traditional – to become Australian Comic of the Year. Today, Marty is a regular on the corporate speaking circuit making audiences laugh about the serious topics of resilience […]

Best Books for Writers and Authors

What are the best books for writers and authors? I’ve been reading a lot of books – as usual – and in particular, books to help me with my writing. Here is my list of best books for writers and authors. I’ll add more as I read them. Plus some will be expanded into their […]

Mark Molony – Mindfulness and Productivity

Mark Molony – Intention and Attention Mark Molony is a coach, counsellor and educator. He is the co-founder with John Bruna of the Mindful Life Program. Over the past 30 years, Mark Molony has spent a lot of time watching people trying to get things done. In fact, most of his conversations are sparked by […]

Toby Marshall – Lead Creation Strategies

Toby Marshall – What’s Hot in Marketing and Lead Generation Toby Marshall is the founder of Lead Creation – a B2B marketing agency that does both the strategy and the implementation of the marketing. Toby and his team employ the strategy of online>offline>online. This means you start by making online connections, then meet face-to-face at […]

Melanie Colling: Purpose Driven Projects

Melanie Colling: Connect and Grow Rich Melanie Colling runs Purpose Driven Projects to help entrepreneurs grow their businesses through projects. For me, that’s an instantly curious topic – lots of people are talking about purpose and we all have projects, but few are talking about ‘purpose-driven projects’. Previously Mel had worked in the corporate world […]

Master Habits – Automate Your Success

What is a Master Habit? In his brilliant book, The Power of Habits, Charles Duhigg talks about Keystone or Master Habits. As the name implies, some habits are more important than others. The right master habit will be specific to what it is that you want to achieve. Your first step to building your master […]

Tim Graham – Build a Fit Business

Tim Graham - Integrity Group Fitness

Tim Graham: Integrity Group Fitness Tim Graham runs a group fitness centre in Ballarat, Victoria called Integrity Group Fitness. Traditionally, gyms and the fitness industry have focused on short-term results through boot camps and weight loss. This view shapes how fitness centres promote their service. And it is best demonstrated by the TV show The […]

Georgian Benta – Build the Gratitude Habit

Georgian Benta: Build the Gratitude Habit Georgian Benta is an entrepreneur and podcaster based in Romania. He is the host of The Gratitude Podcast which has had over 30,000 downloads. Georgian’s vision is to inspire 100,000 people to live a life inspired by gratitude. He shares his pursuit of self-knowledge from a simple desire to understand […]

Taruni Falconer – Cross-Cultural Leadership Habits

Taruni Falconer Cross-cultural communication expert Taruni Falconer helps people work in other cultures or come to Australasia. Her role is to help them navigate their new cultural landscape and work settings. Effectively, Taruni Falconer is a Habits Coach. She helps leaders communicate effectively in high-stakes situations and teach them how to develop powerful habits and […]