Make Money From Niches

The Book Chris Anderson, The Long Tail: How Endless Choice is Creating Unlimited Demand, Random House, London, 2006. Speed RAP Thanks to the Internet we’re moving from an ‘OR’ to an ‘AND’ era; a culture of Compact Head and Long Tail, institutions and individuals, professionals and amateurs, mass market and niches. Mass culture won’t fall; […]

A Business Revolution: Free or Fee

Here’s the slides from our Book Rapper webinar derived from Chris Anderson’s Free. He’s the author of The Long Tail which we rapped in our first ever issue as Make Money From Niches. His book Free, is a few years old now. And, from chatting with clients and colleagues, it’s clear many have not incorporated […]

10 Hot New Books from Book Rapper’d Authors

10 Hot New Books from Book Rapper’d AuthorsMany of the authors of books we’ve rapped are serial offenders. They keep writing more books! So, here’s a list of new books from the authors of ones we’ve covered in previous Book Rapper issues. Note, the dates… a couple are so hot they haven’t been released just […]

How to Share Book Rapper with your Audience

How to Share Book Rapper Issues with your AudienceFollowing from my previous post and the launch of our CC license, plus a prompt from Matt Hern, here’s all of the Book Rapper issues thus far in one easy-to-share blog post. PS: Thanks to James Tuckerman of Anthill for putting me onto

The ‘Free’ Debate

One of the fun questions that is often asked at dinner parties and in light-hearted interviews is “Who would you most like to have dinner with?” The question conjures up the image of a bunch of important people sitting around the table and chewing the fat over a lively debate of world-changing ideas. The internet […]

12 Must Read Business Books

Here’s the Book Rapper 12 Must Read Business Books for April 2009… Good to Broke: Why some companies completely mess things up and others don’tJim Collins The Zero Hour Work Week: How to spend your time waiting for the Post-Global Financial Meltdown recoveryTimothy Ferriss Book Yourself Silly: The fastest, easiest and most reliable system for […]

Free Chris Anderson!

No he’s not in jail. At least not that I know of…Chris Anderson, author of “The Long Tail” is working on his next book “Free” – due out in 2009.As is usual for most authors, a second book is going to be a continuation of their first in some form and Anderson follows this path. […]

Book Rapper Hot Books Hot Trends 2008

Make Money From Niches Derived from Chris Anderson’s The Long Tail The Hot Idea: Digitalization has lowered the profit barrier meaning we no longer need to rely on creating big selling blockbuster products. Instead, small profitable niches become a safe and reliable way to riches. Author’s blog: Book Rapper: How to Think Right […]

The Long Tail

Chris Anderson shows there is money to be made in very small niches. The big shift has been in access to the Internet. Previously to make a good profit you needed high production volume and a best-selling product. Now, through our PCs it’s easier to create things and the Internet gives us all access to […]