10 Hot New Books from Book Rapper’d Authors

10 Hot New Books from Book Rapper’d Authors
Many of the authors of books we’ve rapped are serial offenders. They keep writing more books! So, here’s a list of new books from the authors of ones we’ve covered in previous Book Rapper issues. Note, the dates… a couple are so hot they haven’t been released just yet. Check the due dates. Note: I haven’t read any of these books. I figure if I liked their last one, these might be pretty good too… If you’ve read them, leave a comment with your thoughts.
Another note: All book links are non-affiliate links to Amazon.

Seth Godin – Linchpin
Previous Book: Meatball Sundae
Book Rapper issue: Marketing How-Now
New Book: Linchpin: Are You Indispensable?
Available: January 26, 2010.

Joseph Jaffe – Flip the Funnel
Previous Book: Join the Conversation
Book Rapper issue: Talk With Me
New Book: Flip the Funnel: How to Use Existing Customers to Gai
n New Ones
Available: February 8, 2010

l Pink – Drive
Previous Book: A Whole New Mind

Book Rapper issue: How to Th
ink Right
New Book: Drive: The Surprising Truth About What Motivates Us
Available: Now!

lcolm Gladwell – What the Dog Saw
Previous Book: Outliers
ook Rapper Issue: Anti-Self-Help
New Book: What the Dog S
aw: And Other Adventures
Available: Now!

Ori Brafman – Sway
Previous Book: with Rod A. Beckstrom; The Starfish and the Spider
Book Rapper issue: Leaderful
New Book: with his brother Rom Brafman; Sway: The Irresistible Pull of Irrational Behaviour

Available: Now!

Chris Anderson – Free
Previous Book: The Long Tail
Book Rapper issue: Make Money From Niches
New Book: Free: The Future of a Radical Price

Available: Now!

Timothy Ferriss – The Four Hour Work Week (Expanded)
Previous Book: The Four Hour Work Week
Book Rapp
er issue: The Four Hour JOLT!
New Book: The Four Hour Work Week – Expanded Edition – with 100 additional idea filled pages.

Available: Now!

Chip and Dan Heath – Switch
Previous Book: Made to Stick
Book Rapper issue: The Sticking Point

New Book: Switch: How to Change Things When Change Is Hard

Available: February 16, 2010

ichael A Banks – On the Way to the Web
Previous Book: Blogging Heroes
Book Rapper issue: W
e Blog
New Book: On the Way to the Web: The Secret History of the Internet and Its Founders

Available: Now!

Barry Libert – Barack Inc
Previous Book: with Jon Spector, We Are Smarter Than Me
Book Rapper issue: The Bees Wees

New Book: with Rick Faulk, Barack, Inc.: Winning Business Lessons of the Obama Campaign
Available: Now!

If you’ve read any of these books, add a comment and tell us what you think…

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