What is Thought Leadership?
1: What is Thought Leadership? What is Thought Leadership? A lot of people have heard of the term ‘Thought Leader’ and some of the people I work with even aspire to be one. But what is a Thought Leader? Rather than define ‘what is a thought leader’ let’s look at seven examples of Thought Leaders […]
Definitions of Thought Leadership
Definitions of Thought Leadership: What is a thought leader? What is a Thought Leader? Prior to 1990, the term ‘thought leader’ was not widely used. And then suddenly ‘thought leaders’ started appearing everywhere. First in books, then in conversations, it’s now a search term on Google and business experts are branding themselves in ‘thought leadership’. But […]
Purpose for Business Experts – 4 Levels of Purpose
Purpose for Business Experts Purpose for business experts is a hot topic right now. I post regularly on LinkedIn, and it seems like everyone over there is talking about purpose. But what I’ve noticed is that most people are focusing on only one part of purpose and not all four parts. In this post, I’ll […]
Leadership Development: Best Business Books to Read
Leadership Development What are the best business books to read for leadership development? For a long while I had dismissed leadership development as a topic overblown by it’s own self-importance. For me, so many of the best business books that I had read (over 450 in the past decade) talked about leadership as if they […]
Taruni Falconer – Cross-Cultural Leadership Habits
Taruni Falconer Cross-cultural communication expert Taruni Falconer helps people work in other cultures or come to Australasia. Her role is to help them navigate their new cultural landscape and work settings. Effectively, Taruni Falconer is a Habits Coach. She helps leaders communicate effectively in high-stakes situations and teach them how to develop powerful habits and […]
Corrinne Armour: Fearless Leadership
In this episode of the Ideas Architect Podcast, we’re talking with Corrinne Armour about Fearless Leadership. Corrinne is in the business of helping leaders get out of their own way. And, she is on the warpath against wasted potential. This includes the waste of time energy and resources within organisation, it’s also about the wasted […]
7 Resilience Lessons from Football
I love sport. And, I love it because I see it as a place to test your limits. I love the physical toughness of the various football codes. I love the finesse and skill of tennis and cricket. And, I love the mental toughness of cycling. The other arena that comes to sport as a […]
The Authentic Follower
This is our eighth and final in a series of posts from the Book Rapper issue Authentic. It’s derived from Rob Goffee and Gareth Jones’ book Why Should Anyone Be Led By You that discusses what it takes to be an authentic leader. Previously in this series: Communication for Leaders Why we need Authentic Followers […]
Communication for Leaders

This is our seventh in a series of posts from the Book Rapper issue Authentic. It’s derived from Rob Goffee and Gareth Jones’ book Why Should Anyone Be Led By You that discusses what it takes to be an authentic leader. Previously in this series: Manage Social Distance Communication For Leaders It’s not enough to […]
Manage Social Distance

This is our seventh in a series of posts from the Book Rapper issue Authentic. It’s derived from Rob Goffee and Gareth Jones’ book Why Should Anyone Be Led By You that discusses what it takes to be an authentic leader. Previously in this series: Cultural Relationships Managing social distance reflects the need to engage […]