Five Key Elements to Decentralized Marketing
Derived from both… Adam L Penenberg, Viral Loop and Andy Sernovitz, Word of Mouth Marketing 1 Repeatable The principle of mass marketing is that the same message can be copied and sent to many people. Any printed or electronic document can be replicated and sent to multiple people with the same message. 2 Spreadable Being […]
Decentralized Marketing
Derived from both… Adam L Penenberg, Viral Loop and Andy Sernovitz, Word of Mouth Marketing PROFIT : The old command and control mechanisms of the Industrial Age are being dismantled and replaced by decentralized, self-replicating viral loops and networks. It’s the new dawn of decentralized marketing. As discussed in our previous Book Rapper issue Leaderful, […]
Five Ways to Multiply Your Customers
PROFIT : If you really want to multiply your audience rather than increase it just a little, you’ll need to think differently. Here’s five ways to design your product, service and business to get people talking about you and add bottom-line value to your business. Direct Marketing is where businesses talk straight to the consumer. […]
Book Rapper Review: Word of Mouth Marketing
The Book Andy Sernovitz, Word of Mouth Marketing: How Smart Companies Get People Talking, Kaplan Publishing, New York, Revised Edition, 2009. Précis Word of Mouth Marketing is a low-cost, simple way to build upon the things that people are already saying about you and your business. Features ? Plenty of anecdotes, examples, case studies and […]
Book Rapper Review: Viral Loops
The Book Adam L Penenberg, Viral Loop: The Power of Pass-It-On, Hodder and Stoughton, London, 2009. Précis Business growth doesn’t need to be linear anymore. Instead, it can be exponential. If you want to multiply the value and quantity of your customer base in a very short period of time create viral loops, networks and […]
Smart Growth: How to Multiply Your Customers
The Books Derived from both… Adam L Penenberg, Viral Loop Book Website: Author’s Website: Andy Sernovitz, Word of Mouth Marketing Book Website: Author’s Website: Author’s Website 2: Speed RAP The key to multiplying your customers is to enable them to spread your word further, faster and freely. You can create […]
‘Purple You’ and Linchpin Superlinks
Purple You : Your New Career Derived from… Seth Godin, Linchpin: Are You Indispensable 1 Speed RAP 2 BR Review : Linchpin 3 The New World of Work 4 How Work Has Changed 5 Education and Consumerism are Scams 6 Are You a Cog or a Linchpin 7 Are […]
Your New Career Audit: Are You a Linchpin?
What do you need to make your career remarkable? To find out if you’re a replaceable cog or an indispensable linchpin, rate yourself with these nine questions. Colour in the circle of the response that best fits your career. ? Are you resisting, avoiding and chickening out? Or, are you shipping product, producing results and […]
The ‘Purple You’ Twit Rapper Movie
You’ve read the tweets in our previous blog post now see the movie… The Linchpin Tweets Summary as a Movie. Derived from… Seth Godin, Linchpin: Are You Indispensable Previously Seth Godin’s Linchpin in 26 Tweets Twit Rapper – Purple You and Linchpin Tweets Movie Get the full Book Rapper issue: Purple You
Book #5: Seth Godin’s Linchpin in 26 Tweets
A book in 26 Tweets… Here’s our summary of Seth Godin’s Linchpin. Derived from… Seth Godin, Linchpin: Are You Indispensable Previously How to Be Purple You Linchpin in 26 Tweets _____________________________________ 5A The Book : Purple You is derived from: Seth Godin, #Linchpin: Are You Indispensable? 5B Big Idea : Industrial Age: standard workers for […]