Book Rapper Review: Word of Mouth Marketing

Sernovitz's Word Of Mouth MarketingThe Book

Andy Sernovitz, Word of Mouth Marketing: How Smart Companies Get People Talking, Kaplan Publishing, New York, Revised Edition, 2009.


Word of Mouth Marketing is a low-cost, simple way to build upon the things that people are already saying about you and your business.


? Plenty of anecdotes, examples, case studies and lessons.
? A simple one-page action plan to get you started.
? A million and one practical things to do. Well, almost a million.


Ready to start a new career in word of mouth marketing? This book opens the door for you to start exploring, practicing, and implementing word of mouth marketing today.

Who’s It’s For

Any business person wanting to generate practical, low-cost, easy to implement ideas to boost your marketing visibility and attract more customers. Ideal for solopreneurs and small operations.

Andy Sernovitz

Andy’s runs his own consulting firm, Gas Pedal assisting organizations with Word of Mouth Marketing.
He also teaches at Northwestern and previously at Wharton.
Andy is the founder of the Word of Mouth Marketing Association, has appeared on Ali G and testified to congress three times!
Is that interesting enough to get you talking about him?
And, if you check out his Twitter picture you’ll find…


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Book Rapper Thinks…

I love Andy’s Damn I Wish I’d Thought of That newsletter. It’s one of the few that I read every single time it arrives. It’s short, sharp and damn useful. I wish I’d thought of that! His book is the same. Dig into it!

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