Read Me – Book Review
The Book Roger Horberry and Gyles Lingwood, Read Me – 10 Lessons for Writing Great Copy My Website I’m currently updating my website – including both images and words. That’s what prompted me to write about how to be a better writer and to grab this book from the shelf. Essentially, I wanted to write […]
Transforming Stories
Walking and Talking I went for a walk today with my friend and colleague Mark Molony. Mark is a crisis worker, therapist, educator, facilitator and business coach. He’s the inspiration behind my recent celebration of 300 straight days of meditation – this was the direct result of attending one of his mindfulness programs. During our […]
The Fit Bit Game
I don’t usually showcase ads in my blog posts. And, every now and then a great one comes along that inspires comment. The Ideas Marketing Game The Ideas Marketing framework has eight elements. The first is your manifesto. It’s your big idea. And, it’s usually a broad statement of what you want to have happen […]
The Neurobiology of Insight
Do you want to be more creative? Do you want to be more creative? Do you want more of those stunning ‘aha’ moments? Do you want to be more insightful? The good news is that it’s much easier than you think. And, you don’t need to learn any new skills or spend hours practicing. Instead, […]
Valentines Day and Ideas Marketing
Today is the 14th of February and generally celebrated as Valentines Day – the day when lovers express their love for each other by sharing gifts. And, for me, it’s a perfect opportunity to show my love for ideas by presenting an Ideas Marketing case study in honour of this special day. The Back Story […]
Suzanne Mercier, Unmask Performance
Are you not operating at your best? Not feeling good enough to fulfill you role? Or sabotaging your own success? It might be that you’re experiencing the Imposter Syndrome. In this podcast episode we talk to Australia’s expert in this area and how she has built her business around a leading edge idea. About Suzanne […]
An Easy Way to Re-invent Your Business
What Business Are You In? A friend and colleagues runs a gym. And, at the moment, his landlord is making things a little difficult for him. My friend is looking around for alternative sites and even considering buying rather than leasing a new premise. From the outside and through the lens of ideas marketing I […]
When You Are Your Business, Part 2
Previously we shared three rules for business that are different for when you are your business. Today, we offer four more rules for you to consider if you are a solopreneur, individual business expert or personal consultant. Your business lives in your head Are you finding it hard to switch off? Always checking your email? […]
When You Are Your Business
The Solo Business Gap Have you fallen into the gap? I read a lot of books… the usual range of business stuff on marketing, branding, strategy and a whole lot more. Also, I work with individual business experts and I run my own business as a solo operator. When I link these two activities I […]
Extended Business Cards
Extended Business Cards Previously we wrote about the Pros and Cons of Business Cards. And, we finished with the important question: How can you use your business cards to bring your big idea to life? Today, I want to offer some solutions to this challenge. Three Levels of Business Cards To put this into context […]