Your Brand Flavour

How do you attract a loyal customer base who are more than happy to sing your praises to anyone who will listen? The perfect place to start is to create your own brand flavour or theme. Previously, we reviewed Alexandra Watkins’ fabulous little book, Hello My Name is Awesome: How to Create Brand Names That […]
Australia and Ideas Marketing

Ideas Marketing is based on the principle that you start your branding and marketing process based on your big idea – your promise, the cause you stand for, the beliefs you hold dear. Then you build this idea into existence in a range of different forms so people can live your idea every day. It’s […]
Alexandra Watkins, Hello My Name Is

The Book Alexandra Watkins, Hello My Name is Awesome: How to Create Brand Names That Stick, Berrett-Koehler, San Fransisco, 2014. Giving It All Away Alexandra Watkins is the founder of – a brand-naming agency. In writing her book, Alexandra has faced the same dilemma that confronts every thought leader and business expert when they […]
How to Overcome Distractions
Over the past couple of weeks, the words have just been flowing. I feel like I’ve written some of my best blog posts! Today, I want to add to this list and for me right now it’s just not happening. So, instead of writing about Ideas Marketing, I’m writing about how to overcome your distractions. […]
Shawn Achor, Before Happiness
The Book Shawn Achor, Beyond Happiness: The 5 hidden keys to achieving success, spreading happiness and sustaining positive change, Crown Business, New York, 2013. His Previous Book Shawn Achor’s first and previous best selling book, The Happiness Advantage, showed if you want to be successful it pays to be happy before you start. In this […]
Australia – Ideas Marketing Case Study

Given today is officially Australia Day, I thought it would be appropriate to do an Ideas Marketing case study on an entire country: Australia. That’s right… Ideas Marketing can be used to design build and sell a country! That might sound like a strange thought: to design a country. And, it’s what happens at some […]
Brand Building Principles
Recently, I’ve been approached by a client who has bought the rights to a powerful new product for distribution in Australia and New Zealand. They want me to create a brand new brand for them. That’s right, from scratch! At the simple level, they require a brand name, a logo and a website. At the […]
The Big Idea Myth
It’s time for me to confess. I’ve been guilt of building a myth. It’s not exactly untrue. And, there’s more to it than the bold statement suggests. Why You Need a Big Idea I believe business experts, thought leaders, subject matter experts, authors, speakers etc need a big idea. It’s needed because: The market place […]
The Unlimited Ideas Podcast
One of my great strengths is my ability to come up with ideas. Whilst I appear to do it with ease, there is some method to my creative genius. Coming up with new thought is crucial for innovation and content marketing. You want to create fresh content for your blog, your podcast, your social media […]
How to Have Unlimited Ideas
If you follow my blog you’ve probably realized I write a lot. At the moment, I’m posting every single day. And my plan is to continue that for the entire year. Yep, 365 days straight… And, when I tell people this I often hear the same reply: But what are you going to write about? […]