Why You Shouldn’t Podcast
The great thing about the web is that the publishing tools are freely available and everyone can have their opinion about what ever comes to mind. And, as soon as you start to explore any topic you’ll find people who believe you should and those who believe you shouldn’t. Some believe in climate change (I […]
Five Books To Learn From
Given, I’m known as the Book Rapper it’s probably not a surprise that I love to read books. And, lately, I’ve been devouring them as if they’re going out of supply. I’m sure that’s not happen, in fact, there is very strong evidence that suggests the opposite is happening. The flood of books is growing […]
Remote: Office Not Required – Book Review
Jason Fried and David Heinemeier Hansson, Remote, Vermillion, London, 2013. Previously we reviewed their earlier book Rework. This one is equally brilliant, easy to read and super useful. It’s an Important Trend For the past 500 years workers have been employed and paid based on showing up at the workplace and doing their work. It […]
Content Marketing: The New Way to Sell
Are your sales floundering? It might be that you’re selling in a way that no longer works. In this podcast episode we talk about the new way to sell using Content Marketing and Social Media.. It’s a recent interview with Stuart Harris on his Online Effectiveness show. For me, it was the first time I’d […]
How to Be the Apple of Your Industry
In this Book Rapper episode we discuss an important business book. Today we’re talking about Apple, and how to be the Apple of your industry. This is episode 034 of the Ideas Architect Podcast. Our Topic: Apple Design Our episode today is derived from the fabulous book Design Like Apple by John Edson. John is […]
Jason Fox: Design Your Motivation Strategy
Jason Fox is the author of The Game Changer and an expert on motivation strategy and design. This is episode 033 of the Ideas Architect Podcast. Our Topic: Jason Fox Dr Jason Fox is a speaker, author and consultant on motivation and design. He has a PhD based on learning how to motivate people to […]
Create More Time by Slowing Down
Create More Time Previously, I shared the results of a customer survey that we completed. It suggested that the lack of time was one of the biggest challenges for business owners. Perhaps no surprise there… I was fortunate to attend a weekend retreat a few days ago. It was called The Mindful Life Program and […]
World Class Leader
Geoff McDonald discusses what it takes to be a world class leader based on nine of the best leadership books ever written. This is episode 032 of the Ideas Architect Podcast. Our Topic: World Class Leader How effective are you as a leader? There are two distinct parts to this question. How well do you […]
How to become a Professional Speaker
Professional Speaker A couple of days ago I hinted at making a change in my career direction. One aspect I want to do more of is presenting from stage and earning money as a professional speaker. I have done my share of public speaking and I’ve never deliberately pursued presentations as a consistent business activity. […]
Review Your Performance
Review Your Work Do you ever stop and review how far you’ve come? Recently, I’ve updated a few old issues of Book Rapper for a client. When I say old, they were done 3-4 years ago. Seems like forever! Basically, I was converting the read rap or the pdf into a set of slides, a […]