It’s Not About the Workshop, Seminar, Boot Camp, Conference or Event!
Lance Armstrong book “It’s Not About The Bike” is an inspiring read and can be applied to almost all walks of life. And, in particular in this blog post I want to talk about it in relation to the marketing of your workshop, seminar, boot camp, conference or event. And, while I’m at it, you […]
Three Ways To Find Out Almost Anything
How do you find out anything today? It used to be that I’d phone a friend. I might still do that and I think there’s three things I do before that… Mostly, I head to either Google or Wikipedia. 1 Wikipedia If it’s general background or history I head to Wikipedia. Well researched, good detail, […]
The Five Steps to a Successful Product Launch
I’m particularly interested in Product Launches at the moment because I’m creating one of my own as we speak. Without giving away too much of the detail and spoiling the surprise, it has something to do with Book Rapper. Well, it has a whole lot to do with Book Rapper… Stay tuned for more on […]
What Sells CEOs on Social Networking?
I read a great article today I wanted to share with you. It’s called ‘What Sells CEOs on Social Networking‘. It’s an interview between David Kiron, executive editor of Innovation Hubs at MIT SMR and MIT Sloan’s Andrew McAfee. In 2006, McAfee coined the termed “Enterprise 2.0” as a way of describing the impact of […]
The Best Way to Create And Own a Unique Position in the Market
The number one question I’m asked is: “How can I create and own a unique position in the market?” It’s an important question because when you know the answer a whole bunch of things fall into place like dominoes falling over each other. For instance, you can then easily determine: What to focus on and […]
11 Outdated Things In Your Business
There was a very interesting article on The Age website today called “Ten Things Your Next Car Might Not Have” by Barry Park. In this article, Park listed a whole bunch of things that used to commonplace in our cars and are unlikely to be there in your next car. Some of the things he […]
Why A Seminar Series is Better Than A One-Off Event
I’ve had a couple of conversations recently with clients about running seminars. And it’s prompted me to share some thoughts with you here about the psychology of putting together events. The key idea is to run a series of events, not just one. Here’s five reasons why… 1 Build an Audience There is a general […]
How to Write 100 Blog Posts
A few people were somewhat surprised and amazed that I had written over 100 blog posts in the lead up to my trip to Asia. And, they wanted to know how I did it. Here’s some principles behind my work method and tips for you to write and create your next 100 blog posts. 1 […]
How to Post Content Whilst You Travel
I’ve had a few people ask me how I kept posting content whilst I was travelling through Asia for 7 weeks. They were even more interested when I told them I didn’t have regular internet access. Well, let me share a secret with you… only 1% of the content I posted was done whilst I […]
Travel Technology: What Worked, What Didn’t
I’ve just spent seven weeks wandering Thailand, Vietnam and India. Here’s a review of the technology I used during this trip and an assessment of what worked and what didn’t. Internet Access Internet access is the key to travelling and living on the cloud. Generally speaking Internet access was freely available in Thailand, not so […]