The Real War on Talent

This article is the Context piece from the Book Rapper issue: Anti-Self-Help. It provides a context for the book summary of two books: Malcolm Gladwell’s Outliers and Geoff Colvin’s Talent is Overrated. Just over ten years ago, three executives from McKinsey and Co coined the phrase ‘The War For Talent’. It came out of a […]

How to Be a World Leader Using Social Media

This presentation was made to a Leadership Conference in Darwin in 2010. It was a five minute lightning talk. In this case I was limited to five minutes and 20 slides. It’s short, it’s fast and it’s based on Obama Online – a Book Rapper issue derived from Rahah Harfoush’s book Yes We Can. How […]

How to Succeed in 10,000 Hours

The Books Malcolm Gladwell’s Outliers AND Geoff Colvin’s Talent is Overrated – A special issue double act! The Big Idea Success is not simply a function of talent. In fact, ‘natural’ talent may have very little to do with it at all. Speed RAP To be a world-class performer requires two specific factors: the community […]

Brand Worship – What’s Your Cause? Purpose? Spirit?

Brand Worship: Turn Your Customers into a Cult Following

How to Build a Powerful Brand Brands provide meaning for people because they stand for something – they represent a promise or an ideal. But how do you create a powerful brand? It can all start with your cause. What do you want to have happen? If you’re not out to cause anything then you […]

Brand Worship

The Book Douglas Atkin; The Culting of Brands: Turn Your Customers Into True Believers, Portfolio, Penguin, New York, 2004. The BIG Idea We all crave ‘meaning’ and ‘belonging’. Cult-like brands have become the new religion because they provide these two basic human needs. Speed RAP People queue overnight to be the first into the new […]

The Keys to Blogging from Top Bloggers

The Book Michael A Banks, Blogging Heroes: Interviews with 30 of the World’s Top Bloggers; Wiley Publishing, Indianapolis, 2008 The Big Idea Blogs are a media channel in their own right with their own rules for success. Speed RAP If you think that a blog is simply a time waster, or an easy outlet to […]

How to Give Your Idea a Potent Twist

The Book Chip and Dan Heath, Made To Stick: Why Some Ideas Take Hold and Others Come Unstuck; Random House; London; 2007. The BIG Idea Your greatest asset is your mind; your greatest advantage is the stickiness of your messaging. Speed RAP We’re all scientists in one way. We all have theories and hypotheses. We’re […]

Review: Sell Your Thoughts

Matt Church, Peter Cook and Scott Stein; Sell Your Thoughts; Harper Collins Publishers, Auckland, NZ; 2011. Disclosure This was a gift from one of the authors for my assistance with a small part of the text. Plus, I’m a former mentor and current ambassador for Thought Leaders. Even better, I get a plug as a […]

For Future Sake Presentation

This presentation was made to the Thought Leaders conference back in 2008 in Sydney. It was a five minute lightning talk –  I was limited to five minutes and a handful of slides. This is a post-event recording using Apple Keynote. For Future Sake – Presentation Transcript What are we going to do about our […]

How to Build Collaborative Communities

The Book Barry Libert and Jon Spector and thousands of Contributors, We Are Smarter Than Me: How to Unleash the Power of Crowds in Your Business Speed RAP Bees do it; kids live it; grown-ups adopt it; smart business values it. Collaborative Communities are the near future now. Web 2.0 has enabled community building through […]