The Keys to Blogging from Top Bloggers

We Blog The Book

Michael A Banks, Blogging Heroes: Interviews with 30 of the World’s Top Bloggers; Wiley Publishing, Indianapolis, 2008

The Big Idea

Blogs are a media channel in their own right with their own rules for success.

Speed RAP

If you think that a blog is simply a time waster, or an easy outlet to express your opinion about this and that, then you’ve missed the point. You’ve also missed a big opportunity. Blogs open the door to enable you to lead a conversation and build a community. They are, in essence, a communication outlet; they are a discrete media channel. Blogs are the new face of journalism.

Your Challenge

Join the ‘we blog’ community. Read Blogs. Write Blogs. Step outside the mainstream media channels of TV, newspapers and radio. Start to explore this stimulating medium. The best way to learn about blogging is to write your own. Launch your own media channel today!


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