Interview with Allison Nazarian, Love Your Mess
Today, we’re talking with Allison Nazarian, author of Love Your Mess. What prompted you to create your manifesto? When I began the writing which eventually became my book, Love Your Mess, I started with some simple declarations and statements that I intended to use (and did use) for the cover of the book. From the […]
52 Ways To Share Your Manifesto
Once you’ve written your manifesto, what next? Here’s 52 suggestions to get you thinking… If you’re really keen, implement one a week to keep you busy all year! 52 Things To Do With Your Manifesto Get it designed! (most of the following will work better if you do this first!) Put it on your website […]
Four Ways to Make Your Manifesto Visually Appealing
What does a manifesto look like? Traditionally, it was a literal manuscript presented in the hand of the author who penned it. Today, we have computers and multimedia. Presenting your manifesto so it’s visually engaging and interesting is a crucial part of sharing and spreading your idea. Here’s four ways to design your manifesto so […]
The Key To Creating a Campaign for Your Manifesto
Manifestos command presence. And, one powerful way to do this is to create a campaign, a project or a crusade. Having a campaign brings your manifesto to life. It also gives you access to change the world. You can’t do that by yourself and you can move mountains when you work with others. Creating a […]
Bre Pettis and Kio Stark: The Cult of Done
The Cult of Done by Bre Pettis and Kio Stark. Manifesto 1. There are three states of being. Not knowing, action and completion. 2. Accept that everything is a draft. It helps to get it done. 3. There is no editing stage. 4. Pretending you know what you’re doing is almost the same as knowing […]
Timothy Ferris: The Four Hour Work Week
Context Most of us are stuck living a lifestyle we inherited. We followed our well-meaning parents plan of: Get a good education, Get a good job, Work hard and you’ll get to be the boss one day. Tim Ferris says it doesn’t need to be this way. We now have choices. He presents an alternative […]
15 Famous Manifestos We’d Like to See
What change would you like to see? Here’s a list of 15 famous manifestos we’d like to see… 1 Healthy Food for Healthy Profits The truth about what’s in our food and who’s making money from cutting corners. Mmm… Healthy Profits… 2 Wikileaks for Corporates A manifesto for transparency in the corporate world. 3 The […]
Yvonne Rainer: The No Manifesto
Manifestos often pop up in the arts as a means to draw a line in the sand. They intend to end one expression and launch another. That makes sense because the writer of the new manifesto wants to share their vision of what’s possible. And that is only achievable if you ditch the old way […]