Interview with Allison Nazarian, Love Your Mess

Love Your Mess Manifesto

Today, we’re talking with Allison Nazarian, author of Love Your Mess.

What prompted you to create your manifesto?

When I began the writing which eventually became my book, Love Your Mess, I started with some simple declarations and statements that I intended to use (and did use) for the cover of the book. From the beginning, I saw this as a manifesto as opposed to “blurbs for the cover of a book.” Maybe because it was bolder, simpler, more to the point than anything else I’d written prior.

How did you go about creating your manifesto?

Nothing fancy — a Word document and cut, cut, cut until I knew it was right.

Where do you use your manifesto?

I use it as the cover to my book, Love Your Mess. I also offer it to anyone who comes to my site as a download in color (it works great in a standard 8×10 frame — I have it on my office wall and it inspires me every day!

What specific benefit/difference has it made having a manifesto?

As opposed to some notes I may write or even a blog post or something else, this has, for me, stood the test of time. As I said, I look up at it every day from my desk and feel inspired and emboldened — I can do whatever it takes to create inspired work, to write what my soul wants to write, to connect with amazing people. Some people are moved by art or theater or sports or something else — I am moved by words and ideas.

Any other comments about manifestos you’d like to make?

I think it is a cool thing that the word “manifesto” is as strong and unique as it is — and yet there is no one set way of writing or creating a manifesto. To me, it is something of truth and strength and timeless, yet does not have to look or read like anything else.

Thanks Allison!

Read more about Allison’s Manifesto:

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