5 Ways Mobile Transforms Health

iStethoscope - How mobile transforms health

Mobile Health If you’re thinking your mobile phone is changing the way we do almost everything, then you’d be right. Here are five ways that mobile technology is transforming the health industry. Health care in the US accounts for 17% of GDP. And, whilst they pay more for health, life expectancy remains below most of […]

The Rise of Mobile Computing

Mobile Computing

Mobile computing? It doesn’t seem that different to what we’ve had for a while. So what’s new now? And, why is this such a significant trend? If you want to ride the wave, you first need to understand it. Here we define mobile computer, why it’s special and a new wave of opportunity. More Than […]

Promotion Goals, Prevention Goals

Promotion Goals, Prevention Goals

We are constantly living a life of balance to achieve the things we want and to avoid the things we don’t want. Sometimes this is determined by a preference for optimism or pessimism and at other times the situation in front of us dictates our choice. Here we look at the balance of promotion and […]

Good and Better Goal Design

Good and Better Goal Design

Ever wonder why pursuing some goals is more fun than others? There’s a reason for this. If you’ve framed your goal as an opportunity to improve your skills or relationships you’ll perform better and achieve more. Being Good A ‘Being Good’ goal focuses on you showcasing what you can do. You see the goal as […]

Two Keys to Goal Achievement

Goal Achievement - What and Why

The key to goal achievement is to select the right frame for your goal. And, our different personal preferences mean the same goal should be framed differently. Here we look at your ‘Big Picture’ and ‘Nitty Gritty Detail’ preferences. The ‘Why’ of Goal Achievement A ‘Why’ framed goal focuses on the reason behind what we’re […]

The Danger of Marginal Thinking

Marginal Thinking

Each day we make a lot of small decisions that don’t mean a lot. However, when we string them together as a consistent habit they can make the Difference between happiness and Despair. Here we look at how to make smart decisions. The Cost of Investment Every time an investment decision is made, there are […]

Choose the Right People

The Right People

When selecting your next employee, how do you know who is the best person for the job? We look at two approaches for selecting the right people to help grow your business. Skills Versus Experience A familiar false belief presumes there is a definitive way to identify the difference between good people and great people. […]

Customer Jobs

The key to building great relationships – with a partner or a customer – is to develop an empathy and deep understanding for what they really want. Here we consider the ‘jobs we need done’ as an alternative to traditional customer profiling. Customer Jobs We Need Done Typical marketing logic suggests that we should focus […]

Three Parts to Your Purpose

Three Parts to Your Purpose

Your purpose is your benchmark for decision-making in your life and business. Here we look at three things to help you Define your business and life purpose. Choose or Not Whether we choose it or not we have a purpose – and so does every business. Whilst ad-hoc purpose often leads to distraction and failure, […]

Simple Strategy Guide

Simple Strategy sounds obvious. But, most strategy is not strategic. That’s the view of world strategy expert Richard Rumelt in his bestselling book Good Strategy, Bad Strategy. At best most strategic is merely a good plan – whilst this might be useful it might also undermine your chances of success if you believe is strategic. […]